Focusing On The Things That Keep Us Watching


An INSPIRING Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane

Good Sunday Morning, GHers!

I hope this Sunday morning finds you all well…and comfortable. I know so much of the country is dealing with excessive heat as we are. We are entering Day 8 of a heatwave up here in Jersey…one we were supposed to get relief from yesterday in the form of a line of massive thunderstorms and plenty of moisture to wash away this oppressive heat.

What we ACTUALLY got was thunder and lightning for the past couple of nights, and a 5 minute shower yesterday afternoon, but it wasn’t enough to even wash away the poor, sad drooping blooms on our flowers! I’m hoping with my fingers crossed that overnight we will get something a little more substantial! I think many of us could use a reprieve  from all of this sticky heat!

As for our Drive today, don’t worry – the AC is pumping! However, I think you’ll be happiest to know, as I was, that I was pleasantly surprised over how many of our JaSam vidders seemed to have been INSPIRED again over the past couple of weeks. I know it had to be INSPIRATION from within their JaSam-loving hearts, as we don’t have any coming from our former favorite soap…so it means all the more that our vidders did such beautiful work for all of us to enjoy! The fact that they are INSPIRED to not let go just yet INSPIRES me to do the very same!

Thank you so much to each of you talented, wonderful, generous vidders for sharing this lovely gift with all of us when we need it most! You guys keep the JaSam Love alive, and for that, so many of us are eternally grateful!

Much love to each of you…and to all those willing to take this Drive with me this week!

Let’s go…

“The Things We Never Did” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Falling Slowly”    Credit: tenpointoh1

“Beautiful” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Stars” Credit: CocoaGirlie4

“Losing Your Memory” Credit: brittcb4

“Kisses Down Low” Credit: msnotsoanonymous

“Still”  Credit: aproditebeauty

“Skyscraper” Credit: nightstorm23

“Whenever It Rains” Credit: aproditebeauty

And…because we cannot ignore the significance of the dates this past week, here’s a Classic Vid celebrating Jason and Sam’s Proposal:

“He Proposed” Credit: aproditebeauty

Never let go of the Love we found and enjoyed as Team JaSam! It brought us all together and gave us tons of wonderful memories to hold onto! 

Stay cool!


Not Ready To Give Up Yet, Either

Good morning, GHers.

My house is so quiet and solitary now that I actually had some time to myself, so I pulled out the laptop and decided to post about today’s GH (Yesterday’s by the time you guys read it).

What a great episode! No fake masked people, or onslaughts of newbies…just good ol’ fashioned beloved GH characters all on the same page over the devastating loss of Edward Quartermaine. As it should be. Even Trey and Starr were on today because of Edward, albeit indirectly. I just love it when my GH feels, looks and sounds familiar.

For the record, Ron Carlivati’s name is always listed as the headwriter, but the credit for each episode goes to the script writer whose name is listed with editor, Elizabeth Korte’s. Today’s script writer, therefore, was Scott Sickles, and considering he is new to the GH writing team, added after the clean sweep of longtime GH personnel, the episode struck a chord with me.

I thought everything about the episode seemed “right”. From the drama and turmoil at the Quartermaine Mansion, to the heartbreak Sam’s sisters are feeling over Sam’s situation, I watched and understood every scene because it made sense. And that is something that needs to be a little more consistent on GH. There are days that I watch and think, “Who are these people?” because the characters that I both love and love to hate are acting completely “off”. If only the feel of today’s show was one that became the norm, I would feel a whole lot more connected to my beloved soap.

Yet, though that consistency is lacking, Monday’s touching episode pointed out one thing for me. Like Sam, I am not ready to give up yet, either. Not on Jason coming home, not on my soap coming out of this alive and kicking, and not on GH in general.

How could I not feel that way after seeing that Quartermaine house filled with…genuine Quartermaines! Not long-lost relations that we feel no connection to, or ghosts of the people we loved, but real, in-the-flesh Quartermaines! Fighting and back-biting and arguing as though they never stopped! I really had forgotten how much I missed Ned, and even Skye doesn’t bug me as much when she’s part of the hullabaloo. And as much as I have detested A.J. ever since he slammed Jason into the tree, it’s nice to have some life back in that mansion again after all these years! I will take Quartermaines over Mannings on any calendar day of the year!

Having Edward’s will read was a classic moment, as we would expect nothing less from Tracy. I loved the bickering back and forth, and Tracy’s true-to-form bitchiness, even in the sacredness of the moment. I did like that Diane, a bitch in her own right, was the attorney to deliver the blow, because she was not going to cower to Tracy…or anyone for that matter. I thought that gave it a little extra. What I am confused about, and what is niggling around in my brain, is what change Heather could possibly have made to Edward’s will, or what it was that “she knew that the Quartermaines didn’t.” I don’t like loose ends. I don’t like inconsistencies, and I guess that is my main bone of contention with GH right now. I need that settled, and sooner, rather than later, please.

I have never been a Lulu fan, but I thought her talking to Sam about wanting to have a baby was something that would happen, and I enjoyed that. I also liked that her scenes with Maxie, mostly because I love that Maxie is the one trying to deal with heartache instead of Spinelli. While I a may not be crazy about the idea, I also thought it was very clever how they walked Maxie right into that corner where she felt her idea of becoming Lulu’s surrogate was a great idea. Personally, I would rather see Maxie getting back to work somewhere – anywhere, but I am just happy to have her back, so I guess I’ll take it. 🙂

I must say I also really, really loved the whole Davis Girls scenes…I hated that Sam and her family left things the way they did. I loved that her sisters made the move and asked Sam to come over for dinner, and I loved that they focused on their nephew, because any aunt would be willing to jump through hoops, even the one they think is denial, in order to be able to enjoy their nephew or niece. Trust me. I speak from experience.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that the writers are using all of Molly’s romantic tendencies to give her something constructive and smart to do! Having her write a novel was BRILLIANT! I wrote a novel when I was Molly’s age, and like Molly, I did it just for the satisfaction, but chickened out of submitting it anywhere out of fear, so I thought that would resonate with a lot of girls like Molly…and me. It made total sense that she would be afraid of rejection, because unless you have a friend like Starr, who has a dad in the publishing business, it just seems like a huge, lofty dream to have a novel published. Way to go on that, writers! I will take Molly churning out romance novels over hooking up before she’s ready every single time! Molly is jut too smart to make the same old mistakes; especially when the Molly I know and love would have learned from the mistakes of the women in her life.

Finally, Sam’s scenes just touched my heart and made me sad; but in a productive kind of way. Sad, because Sam and Danny are trying to go on with their lives, and Sam is trying desperately to be stable and calm and even happy for their son, but all of that is happening without the benefit of Jason’s presence and love in their loves. *sigh* Just like the rest of us are trying without his presence onscreen. It can’t be anything but sad when we think about how much Jason and Sam love each other, or how much they went through on their way to having everything they wanted, before it was all stolen from them before they could even enjoy it all together. It’s just sad.

I also said it was productive because it reminded me that this is the season of “Believing”. It’s the season on miracles and magic. It made me want to remind you all to take a page from Sam’s book, and in the face of even the best of friends, like Spinelli, refuse to stop believing that Jason is out there and coming back to the loves of his life! Sam’s resolve gave me strength to square my shoulders, tip my chin up, and declare that “I Am Not Ready To Give Up Yet, Either!”

What about you?

Do you still believe that in the end, “Love will win out and that it always does?”

I sure hope so…that is The Beauty of GH.


A Heather GEM to inspire your Belief: “I Believe In You & Me” Credit: aproditebeauty

A THANKFUL Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane…In Spite Of Everything

Good Sunday Morning, GHers!

I hope and pray you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you shared the day with those you are most thankful for.

As most of you know, holidays only mean one thing at my house: Family. Family. And more family. Now that the holiday is over, and the leftovers are gone, everyone has departed, and we are back to being on our own again…until the next round at Christmas. 🙂

I’ve had some long, sleepless nights over the past week…I always get a bit anxious when I am responsible for pleasing so many people. The silver lining to my insomnia being such an issue this past week was that it meant I had plenty of time to watch JaSam vids…from the classic to the most rent. And since the overwhelming sense of THANKFULNESS is still with me, I began to feel very THANKFUL for the gift we were given in the form of daytime’s Best. Couple. Ever.

Listen, I know we’ve had a rough year as JaSam fans. I know that we had a tough loss in losing half of our Super COUPLE. I know that some of us think we should give up the ghost on thinking that Jason will ever be back (not me!) However, IN SPITE OF EVERYTHING, we are taking a THANKFUL Drive this week, because especially for us JaSam fans, these vids will remind us that it was better for JaSam to have loved and lost (and left us SO MANY INCREDIBLE MEMORIES), than never to have loved at all.

So, to that end, I found some “THANKFUL” themed vids, and I know that looking back at these ( many of which are Vintage JaSam), you will realize that we still have so much to be thankful for when it comes to our couple and their AMAZING history. There’s enough JaSam love on YT to help us keep that love alive…and to keep us feeling THANKFUL that we part of their legacy.

Chin up, jump in, and prepare to feel THANKFUL  all over again!

“I Just Wanted To Thank You” Credit: mcdela02

“Thank You For A Love So Beautiful” Credit: AfterTheRAin

“Thank You” (w/voiceovers) Credit: GGlvr06

“I Have You To Thank” Credit: CKellyRM

“Thank You For Loving Me” Credit: bthpeters

“Thank God I Found You” Credit: ajisfine09

THANK YOU All for taking the Drive with me. It’s still one of my favorite things about the weekend!

Have a fabulous Sunday! Be well!



A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane…Celebrating Jenn & Steph!

Good Sunday morning, GHers!

I hope you’ve had a wonderful week. I will admit that I only really watched GH on Friday when Sam was on – the one other day she was on, we lost power due to the condition of our transformers around here. 😦

I will tell you that I did have the TV on a couple of times this week (when we did have power), and I just do not like the whole face mask thing with Duke/Faison AT ALL! Ugh… I am hanging on by my fingernails, but luckily Sam and Danny and the thought of Jason coming home to them keep me from letting go.

Well, that and the vids all of our vidders keep dreaming up! Thank goodness for all of the motivation to hold on they provide us. How grateful am I for each of them? EXTREMELY GRATEFUL!

I am also very grateful for you guys, my friends, and want to wish two very special friends, Jenn and Steph a ton of birthday wishes! Jenn’s birthday was this past week, and Steph’s is coming up this week, so as we take our Drive, let’s be sure to celebrate in their honor!

As a gift to you both, I hope you enjoy every single and special JaSam moment put together and tied neatly in a (birthday) bow for your enjoyment (and ours).

I love you both to pieces! xoxox

“I Dreamed A Dream” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Brokenhearted” Credit: LumiSnBJaSam

“I’m Gunna Love You Both Forever” Credit: JaSam4EverAlways

“Tonite” Credit: aproditebeauty

*Her First Vid* “What About Now?” Credit: Pernilla Frid

“Won’t Give Up On Us” Credit: Mary H

“The Soul Never Dies” Credit: SwishandFlick17

And…if, like me, you really did need a reminder of just how much Jason and Sam loved each other over the past nine years, and how much they wanted a life together as husband and wife, this vid is for you! The vidder has given us an incredible gift…something to truly be thankful for!

“Jason & Sam | The Proposals” Credit: luckiBelle

*wipes tears*

Know that as I drop each of you off, I am leaving with a renewed devotion to our favorite couple! There will just NEVER be another couple like them, and I will keep fighting for them to be back in each other’s lives…and in ours! I hope you will, too!

Love you all! 


Yeah…”WHAT IF?”

Good morning, GHers.

I’m sorry. I really needed to process all of my thoughts before posting. And I had to get through writing all my heartfelt letters to TPTB.

Well, I will say this: if Ron Carlivati and Frank Valentini wanted to get us thinking about “What If?”, they sure did. Just not the way they planned.

Instead, that JaSam episode got me thinking about “What If Ron Carlivati and Frank Velntini Had Never Come To Crap On Our GH?”


While I was just soaking up all of the Jason and Sam LOVE and HAPPINESS I could get before Steve leaves GH, during every commercial break I stopped to scratch my head and thought, “If he knew how to write JaSam, then why DIDN’T HE?” I mean, it was obvious he understood that Steve and Kelly are sooooo good at showing us a side to Jason and Sam that made us all fall in love all those years ago. You know what I’m talking about. The playful, yet heated, sweet, but deep-as-their-souls connection they share. My goodness! Jason laughing as Sam was praticing the “her-hee-hoo” breathing, their adorable scenes with Sam trying to get Jason to keep his hands to himself during Lamaze, and even the Jason feeding Sam – and himself – ice chips. No other couple can do heat one moment and fun the next as well as Jason and Sam, thanks to their alters, Steve and Kelly.

It made me incredibly sad to think that so much of that was wasted since the time this new team came into the leadership role at GH.

It most certainly had me thinking “WHAT IF? WHAT IF RON CARLIVATI HAD NEVER BEEN MADE HEADWRITER?” I mean, say what you will about Garin Wolf’s awful decision to write the Franco Honeymoon, but before that misstep, we had romance, we had legacy characters onscreen like Monica and Edward, and we had FAMILY moments to smile about and to remind us that GH was founded on core families! *tears* And you know what? say what you will about Bob Guza’s years of darkness, but at least he made moments of LIGHT mean something!

As I watched yesterday, I was tortured, more than “rewarded” by thoughts of “What If?” 

  • WHAT IF…Jason and Sam had not been set on this dead end road because of Heather’s lies, and Sam reacted exactly that way, not letting herself be manipulated by a woman sitting in a mental institution? You know – WHAT IF she had actually used the instincts she uses to make a living?
  • WHAT IF…Jason and Sam had enjoyed more moments of love and romance and increased hormones, as so may couples do during a time when they are reveling in the fact that their love created a new life? They were on the road to doing just that up and until RC took over the headwriting position. (Remember the cabin?) What a waste!
  • WHAT IF…Jason and Sam had been able to share the moments that strengthened their bond, respected their commitment to each other, and even honored their Love Story? Jason and Sam fell in love while bonding with each other and Sam’s unborn baby. Why not give them “the works” when it came to this baby – their baby.
  • WHAT IF…this pregnancy storlyine, and the waiting period for this child of LEGACY FAMILIES, was actually filled with scenes with those LEGACY CHARACTERS, like Monica, Edward, Alexis, and hell – even Tracy? Just imagine the amount of longtime viewers who might have felt a renewed connection to their long beloved soap?
  • WHAT IF…instead of tears, pain, sorrow and separations, this pregnancy had been filled with what we saw yesterday? Laughter and wonder, happiness and togetherness? There was such a golden opportunity here to bring people together again – and I am not just talking about Jason and Sam, though they are first on my list! I am also talking about Spinelli and Maxie (though it just felt so much more “right” with the beautiful Kirsten Storms back in the role). I am talking about Monica and Jason, and Monica and Sam, because they already had a history of a good, strong relationship. I am talking about The Davis GIrls. I am talking about The Grandmothers – bonding and perhaps trying to one-up each other in a bit of friendly competition. Families who have been part of our own families are what viewers want to connect with – not newbies who mean nothing to us! WHEN, DEAR GOD, WILL WRITERS AND EPs GET THIS???
  • WHAT IF…instead of dead babies and baby funerals, we had just what Sam dreamed of? Live, beautiful babies, and baby showers? I don’t know about you, but there is enough real sadness and heartache in my own world. I don’t want to turn on the TV to struggle through more tears and sadness! I want to turn on the TV to be transported, albeit only for an hour daily, to a happy place, where dreams do come true and true love does win out!
  • WHAT IF…the writers had taken the least traveled road here, and instead of writing a tragedy on the day of this LEGACY BABY’S birth, had actually written a fun, sometimes funny, but thoroughly celebratory event, as they did in Sam’s fantasy? Oh, how much more fans could have looked forward to, and enjoyed it! So many JaSam fans refused to tune in, simply because of the fact that they knew it would end with the ugly and cold reality RC wrote instead. How sad is that?

And finally…

  • WHAT IF…Jason had not been written out as the lead in his own storyline – you know, the storyline that helped to secure his character’s LEGACY, all so that Mr. Carlivati and Mr. Valentini could force John McBain into that lead spot? Into Jason’s Spot!?! What if Steve didn’t have a reason to feel that he could walk away from GH without leaving his fans completely devastated? As things stood when he made that decision, I imagine that Mr. Burton already thought that he had “left” the storyline and place of importance he held for all of the fans. All he did was make it official. Yes, I know all about the house in Tennessee, and the kids in school, but NO ONE will EVER convince me that he would not have found a way to make it work IF HE REALLY THOUGHT he would continue to be doing something worthwhile for all of us!

Which leads us to…

  • WHAT IF…The Beauty of GH was not ripped out from under all of us because a couple of guys came in here and refused to listen to what the fans wanted? WHAT IF we were all looking forward to what came next for us on this journey, instead of feeling like we’re getting ready to say goodbye? I am already wondering when my last post will be. Steve’s last day, marking the end of JaSam? On the 3rd anniversary of Bella Mafia in October? Or should I just give up now and just like Sam, suggest that “Maybe we should just give up. Walk away with (more than) two years of really beautiful memories, instead of destroying it, by trying to hold on.” *wipes tears*

We shouldn’t be thinking about THE END, but we are. And I place the entire blame for that SQUARELY on the shoulders of Misters Carlivati and Valentini.

No matter what I decide, I want you all to know one more thing I can quote Sam on: “I will love you ALL for the rest of my life. If I die tomorrow, or if I live to be 100. Even if I never see your faces,” even for the first time, I will never forget the place you guys took up in my life, and in my heart, when I needed you most. What I want is for you guys to really hear me on that, and understand the depth of my appreciation for each of you.

Like I said to my beloved Stephanie yesterday, JaSam Made Us Family. And no one can EVER take that away. Not even the stupid, lazy AIC. 

Today’s Lifeline: (This is the one silver lining to that JaSam Fantasy – that it will live on in our hearts because of our talented friends like Heather) “Look What We Made When We Made Love” Credit: aproditebeauty


This Day In JaSam History

September 7




A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane…In Honor of Ro’s Birthday! <3

Good Sunday morning, GHers!

I just finished packing, and giving the house one more once-over, so that it’s spotless upon our return. As much as I enjoy vacation, there is still nothing like sleeping in one’s own bed, and being in one’s own house. I am trying to fight the feelings of anxiety that come whenever I travel for more than a weekend away from home. *sigh*

Luckily, I have this Birthday Drive and the fun task of finding the perfect vids for my BFF Ro (@rosieshadow), and for all of you to enjoy, while I am actually on the road. 🙂

I will have you all know that there may never have been a Bella Mafia for more than a week if not for Ro. Yup, the very first time I posted, she commented. I emailed her back to say how much I appreciated her comment, and there began a friendship that I can only describe as a blessing from above. She encouraged me with every post, and urged me to keep posting and trying to get GH fans to tune back in and to be positive. After reading Ro’s first comments, I felt like Bella Mafia was something that could bring all of us positive people together, and here we are, almost three whole years later.

Thanks, Ro. Not just for your role in getting Bella Mafia going, but for being a friend when I was going through the worst of my surgeries, and felt that I couldn’t talk to anyone else from my “old life” because I felt so disconnected from everyone. (One of the first signs of depression) Because of Ro’s encouragement, I found a passion in Bella Mafia, and went on to “meet” so many of you, whom I have come to love and appreciate and can no longer imagine my life without.

Join me in wishing Ro a birthday as wonderful and spectacular as she is! To know her is to love her, and I am so glad I got to know her!

Happy Birthday, my dear friend! I love you!

~Bella (She was the first person to ever call me that, and it “stuck”!)

For you… All of our favorites!

“That’s Worth Fighting For” Credit: HarperAnIdiot

“I Still Do” Credit: HarperAnIdiot

“The Way We Were” Credit: vridore

“The Way We Were” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Dream A Little Dream Of Me” Credit: luckiBelle02

“Once In My Life” Credit: Randeeni3

“I’m Your Man” Credit: fightinirish1289

“HOME” (How apropos) Credit: TheVintageGH

“You Don’t Know Me” Credit: SarahCG

“”Feeling Good” Credit: luckiBelle

“That’s All” Credit: TheVintageGH

“Something Special” Credit: JerseyBelle2

“You’ll Never Find” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Everything” Credit: athena606

And with this, I remind everyone, including Ro, to “Hold On” Credit: luckiBelle02

I hope everyone enjoyed this week’s vids…at least almost as much as Ro and I did! 🙂 Please take a second to comment and like each vid! Our vidders deserve the love!

Have a great Sunday!

Much love to all,



This Day In JaSam History

August 4

2004: (If only he’d said “Don’t Go” this time around.)




August 5







Good Morning, GHers!

I am almost sure that just like me, you have heard that SECRETS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT, especially when they are most inconvenient.

Take Johnny. If anyone’s got a load of secrets, it’s The Mob Prince himself. The worst thing that could possibly happen to a guy with secrets, and a habit of seeing and talking to dead people (he happens to be responsible for killing), is a hidden camera trained on his every word and deed. I mean NOTHING good can come from this! Yup, SECRETS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT, especially when the camera is constantly rolling.

Heather Webber may have scored herself some huge points with her boss with the Johnny Cam, but she also scored some major attention from the  police  based on the fact that she’s known by Anna to be a LOON, first and foremost, and totally obsessed with Luke to boot. Put those two things together and you’ve got the perfect motive for removing Anthony’s dead body from the Quartermaine patio and “planting” it elsewhere. SECRETS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT when you’re so crazy you’ve earned your own ringtone, and especially when your secrets are hanging out of your purse!

Speaking of crazies and ringtones, Todd Manning isn’t too far behind Heather, but where as Heather may be criminally insane, Todd is insanely criminal! How dare Todd say that he wants to help Sam in every possible way, and still refuse to tell her that her baby is alive?!? I just don’t get it, and I just don’t think I will EVER be able to forgive him! Todd, more than anyone, should know that SECRETS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT, especially when you have to face the terrible damage you’ve done to someone daily as she brings you your coffee.

Oh, Lord. Stupidity grates on my nerves. Always has. Unfortunately, there is no better word to describe this storyline surrounding our Jason and Sam. One year ago this week, TODAY, IN FACT, Jason was fighting to convince Sam to become his wife. Anyone else remember Jason nearly pleading with Sam to marry him, because it was “no longer enough to say the words anymore? He wanted to PROVE IT TO HER!” *crying through the flashbacks* Still, Jason had to do two things before he could convince her: 1) Make Sam believe that taking that step would not mean that she would lose what they had, and 2) Assure Sam that she would have him, every day, for the rest of his life. Do the writers expect us to believe that Jason made those promises so lightly that he’s forgotten them? Or that Jason doesn’t know how to fight for the woman he loves? Perhaps RC doesn’t know that Jason, but it’s his job to know, because WE know, and hopefully have been diligent in telling RC! Still, he is determined to shove this unrecognizable Jason down our throats. The one who bemoans the loss of his wife when she’s not there, and then lets her walk away when she is standing right in front of him?!? The one who says ridiculous things like, “I’ve been honest, can you say the same to me?” Oh Jason Morgan, give me a freakin’ break! You told Michael about Sam kissing McBain, but failed to mention that you ran and kissed Liz! How was that honest? And you didn’t tell Sam, she just happened to get an earful! Yeah, SECRETS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT when your wife overhears Lizzie’s brother trying to keep his sister from dropping her panties for yet another emotionally unavailable man! NOT because you told Sam your secret yourself, so please!

I AM A JASAM FAN. TRULY & TOTALLY. I love BOTH characters!

But RC isn’t writing Sam in character either! From the beginning of this McBain, a.k.a. “shove OLTL’s hero down our throats” storyline, Sam has been acting like someone else! Sam would never be confiding in a cop about anything! She would not be turning to another man about her rape, or her husband’s reaction to it, nor would she be “needing” him there when she read the new paternity results! Come on! I guess, like with Jason, he expects us to forget that even before Dante was known as a cop, Sam shut him down when he started digging with a “Cute, but no that cute.” Sam is fiercely loyal. so this crap hs never washed. But having Sam make out with McBain was all kinds of wrong. I will shout that from the mountaintops. What I will not do, however, is lay blame at her feet that does not belong there. I really took issue with a few people’s POV on Twitter yesterday. For those who were calling Sam a hypocrite, I am going to need some clarification. Uuum…it was Jason who told Sam he wasn’t going to give up on her or their marriage when Sam said what they had was broken, not Sam. So, though kissing John was wrong, wrong, wrong, the hypocrite is Jason for saying e would fight and not give up, and then turning around to do just that – and then kissing Liz!  For those who thought Sam had no business being upset about hearing that Jason had kissed Liz, get the hell outta here! For all of Jason’s whining that he “doesn’t know whether or not Sam still loves him“, Sam told him that she not only does, but that she always would! How could he, pr anyone, expect her to react to the news as though she is made of steel and shouldn’t feel anything? Her guilt doesn’t lessen the pain! And finally, for those who took issue with Sam’s not coming clean to Jason about her kiss with McBain at Jason’s mention of his name, I wonder just how many of them would have confessed to their husbands in the presence of Saint Liz, the patron saint of One Night Stands! I know I wouldn’t have! Why would Sam? So that St. Liz could look down from the pedestal she dug out of the garage and dusted off for this very occasion, and prescribe Sam’s penance, which would be to have to endure knowing that Jason was offered relief sex? I wouldn’t admit to my weight in Liz’s presence! Yet, SECRETS HAVE A WAY OF GETTING OUT when the devil himself – or in this case, herself, is there to pick them up and use them against you!

I will never understand how Jason could honestly stand there, after seeing Sam’s reaction, after hearing the hurt in her voice at him not wearing his ring anymore, and watch her walk away, and think, “It’s better this way.”

W. T. F!!! I am convinced that Jason’s balls were crushed to smithereens by the protocol medicine Robin made for him, because nothing else could explain this showing of female parts (or, *clears throat*, the one female part.)

Jason has got to get the hell away from Liz and her pseudo-benevolence and fake support that nearly choked her, and he needs to get in Sam’s face and fight like the mobster he is! He better break into her room at Alexis’ and make her listen. Or track her ass down, tie her to the back of his bike, and drive her to their cabin and not let her go, until he has shown her all the ways that he loves and misses her!

First, he better put his wedding ring back on and remember the vows they said to each other as they exchanged those rings. You don’t get to enjoy more than fifty years of marriage by approaching it like a wuss! Then maybe Jason (and RC) should sit and watch This Day in JaSam History, like the rest of us. We, and more importantly, Sam, need THAT Jason back!

Holding on tightly (to Jason’s neck!),


Today’s Inspiration: “JaSam: Love’s Holiday” Credit: lalachik

This Day In JaSam History:

July 12

2004: Credit: luckiBelle

2005: Credit: NickyM96

2010: Credit: AddictiveSoapCouples

2012: Credit: luckiBelle



Our Beloved soap has gotten a much prayed-for reprieve from the chopping block!

That not only means that they will be on the air for their 50th anniversary, it also means that our favorite people get to hold on to their jobs, and support their families. It’s a fantastic day for General Hospital and those who love it…isn’t that US???

I know that things on the show at the moment have us feeling frustrated and disappointed, and even in need of anti-depressants, but I still must insist that The Beauty of GH is – at the moment – that there is still a GH to watch! As for the rest, we still have a fight ahead of us, but better a fight than a funeral.


My thoughts as I watched Wednesday’s show were a bit different, because I watched BEFORE I knew the good news that GH stayed and The Revolution didn’t. So I watched believing that the writers and producers were all still in SAVE THE SHOW mode, and tried really, really hard to understand what the hell it is that they were thinking.

So, Let’s Focus On The Good News!

The Bad News for Spinelli is that he isn’t quite the sleuth he thinks himself. What a mess he’s in trying to fight the good fight of faith for his Maximista, but it’s just not looking good. I assume that the writers are writing this (again – crazy) storyline to prove that while Maxie currently has two men fighting for her, only one can be her true soulmate. The Good News? I think Spin has always proven that he is the one who has truly always seen the best in Maxie first, and hopefully that will show Maxie who does, and doesn’t, deserve her heart.

The Bad News for Ewen is that he has one bat-$#!+ crazy patient in Konnie. One minute she’s begging for his help, and the next minute she’s barking orders at him as if he had taken over for Maxie at Crimson. I wish he was a little more diligent about his paperwork, as perhaps Konnie could already be on her way to Shady Brook if he had ever finished her commitment papers. (Men are so bad at multi-tasking). The Good News? Just hinting to Liz that she may be interested in “how the sex with Ewan was” made Liz think that perhaps Kate Howard might be as turned on by Dr. Keenan as she is, and THAT will work to Ewan’s advantage! Just the thought that he may not be as available as she originally suspected will make her all hot and bothered for him. Maybe that will keep her from slinking through the halls, spying on people, and then running her big, fat mouth. (Bitch.)

The Bad News for Michael is that he is lying to everyone he loves for the one chick who wants to see his daddy go down for good. Once again, it goes against everything Michael knows about loyalty and family, and that is just not cool. I don’t think Sonny, Carly, or Jason are going to take it very well when they find out that Starr has been shacked up at his (Abby’s) place, while she waits for the big day of reckoning for Sonny; especially considering that they have all warned Michael about the importance of staying away from Starr. The Good News? Maybe Starr being there will prompt Michael to finally pack up more of Abby’s stuff, because it really creeps me out to see the letters of her name still spelled out on the mantle.

Speaking of Sonny, The Bad News for him just keeps piling up. He has finally met a cop with more balls, and even more hair, that his cop son, Dante. McBain was about to breathe fire down his nose at Sonny, and he was not afraid to get in his face. I think the viewers who have always complained that the PCPD is no better than (somewhat) better-looking, and more outspoken Keystone Kops, are about to get their wish. McBain seems to be no joke, and his need to one-up Sonny right down to the last poorly veiled threat may be the one thing that throws Sonny and Jason off their game. The Good News? Anything that threatens Sonny enough to get Max and Milo onscreen is a good thing in and of itself.

The Bad News for Kate Howard is that she is about to blow her own world apart because she, like so many others around the world, are scared to death of the stigma that comes with mental illness. So much that she is afraid to tell the man who supposedly loves her, and has survived the end of his marriage to Brenda because of the support Kate has given him, about her D.I.D. How sad. I do worry about the message that GH is sending about mental illness and the importance of getting the right kind of mental health treatment in order to avoid dangerous situations, but I will hope that they do better this time around than they did with Jess/Tess/Bess. Unfortunately, the fact that like Tess, Kate’s alter, Connie is also driven by her need for sex, kinda depletes my bubble of hope. The Good News? That if Connie must sleep around, I am glad that it will be Johnny – as I am more than ready for him to “wipe that smug look off Sonny’s face.” 

The Bad News for Jason is that in spite of the fact that he says he doesn’t want to miss a thing with his and Sam’s baby, he is missing the very thing that is just about smacking him upside the head. Something is terribly wrong with his wife. She is desperately trying to run around fixing everything that could blow their world apart, and he is still too interested in Sonny’s life first to put the pieces together. Sure, Jason notices that something is “off”, but only because he’s not paying as close attention as he should. The minute Spin came in blabbing about Jason’s “Person of Interest”, Jason allowed his attention to be split, and that allowed Sam her chance to run off and try to handle this mess on her own. How can a guy who is usually so perceptive be so damned stupid? As frustrating as this entire storyline is, I think I may see a possibility for this series of unfortunate events, twisted as it may be. It feels eerily familiar to have Sam trying to keep Jason from hearing devastating news about his dreams of fatherhood, just as he is gushing to her about the possibilities.

Oh wait… *rolls eyes*

We know why it feels so familiar. Because now the shoe is on the other foot. Now it is Jason seemingly clueless while Sam is the one not having the heart to talk to Jason about the scary possibility that their baby dreams may not come true…so she turns to someone else, as Jason once did. *sigh* 

Because the past writers did a god-awful job of having Jason and Sam deal with all of that garbage from the Dark Ages of GH (2007), and did an even worse job of having them talk about it when they got back together in 2009,so that they were dealing with a truly clean slate, I can only assume that Mr. Carlivati saw an opportunity to actually throw something at Jason that actually resembles consequences.

I have never been a big believer in payback, but I am a strong believer in karma. No matter how long it takes, eventually, whatever you have put out there, comes back to you. Jason lied like a big, stink in’, bear rug all because a professional liar asked him to. Not once, or twice, but repeatedly, and for months!

The nagging issue that I have with this is that Sam did not cheat on Jason. She was raped – arguably because of Jason. I think it is unfair that Sam is being perceived as keeping a secret, and taking so much heat for it.

However, I guess the case could be made by the writers that the one thing Jason never did was acknowledge just how much pain he caused Sam with his lies. Sam apologized to everyone and anyone who would listen, and she apologized more than once. We never got the satisfaction of seeing Jason grovel. Perhaps, this is the writers’ attempt to bring Jason to his knees, when it finally becomes crystal clear just how much it hurts when the person you love more than anything, and are dreaming of a life with, is turning to someone else for support, or a listening ear, or a shared secret, every time you turn around. That’s exactly what Jason did once.

The Good News? (Dare I hope?) Maybe, just maybe, Jason will finally be forced to understand just how much it hurts to be on the other side of that, and more importantly, Jason will finally and fully appreciate what it cost Sam not only to forgive Jason, but to trust him enough to hand her heart over to his keeping once again. If the enormity of that doesn’t make Jason see just how boundless and immeasurable Sam’s love really is, then Ron Carlivati wouldn’t be the writer I believe he could be.

It’s that simple.

Spoilers? Don’t care.

Rumors? Don’t know.

Bullshit? Refuse to waste a second of my precious time on it.

Reality? The Love Story of Jason and Samantha Morgan is Incomparable, especially in this soap era. (Their honeymoon vid from just under 7 months ago is nearing 2 million views!) 

Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati get paid big bucks to figure out what works, and what doesn’t. (The last time I remember seeing 2.0’s in the ratings involved The Morgans.) In finding out that GH still has some life left, they have just taken their first real deep breath in months and months. If you think they are going to risk their rather ambiguous livelihoods NOW, (especially with all of us telling them in no uncertain terms that is not a risk worth taking) you’d better call Dr. Keenan, STAT! 

You have officially lost your mind!


Don’t worry – we’ll help you find it!

Love you all, and am so proud of the kick-ass fight you guys put up for our GH!

Now let’s put all of that energy into fighting for the hottest reason we tune in!


A Sunday Drive Down A Hawaiian Memory Lane

All clips credited to

Good Sunday morning, GHers!

I am dedicating today’s Sunday Drive to my beloved Becky, my FAVORITE Hawaiian of ALL TIME!

Becky, I love you so much, and I am thinking of you, and praying for you, and hope that this Sunday Drive cheers you up as much as it did me!

“Aloha wau ia ‘oe nui loa”


You know, you guys, there’s something you should know.

When I am having a bad day, or I’m stressed, or I am feeling a little anxious about something, (and I did all three today) I stop and think about coming here. And believe it or not, I feel better right away.

And that’s before I actually get here and read all of your comments, or find your emails. Once I do that, it doesn’t matter what happened during that day…I could be blowing my nose into a tissue and wiping tears, and once I hear from all of you, I always, always smile, and my heart is full.

I hope that makes each of you feel as purposeful as I feel every time I sit down to share my thoughts!

You guys are the absolute best! Thank you!


Now…on to the real reason you met me here today! 😉

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Sam and Jason have enjoyed some much-needed alone time, and some much-needed romance. As much as we would have enjoyed watching the good stuff *wiggles eyebrows*, at least we know there was some good stuff! Let’s try and focus on that, huh?

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Well, with the arrival of Carly, comes the end of the peace and quiet, that’s for sure. But I believe that there are still some special moments to be had between The Newlyweds before the Franco Madness begins. In fact, I think that everything that happens from here on out will have a significance for later on down the road. We really need to pay attention, but more importantly, we need to WATCH, and whenever possible, get someone else to tune in!

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While we are awaiting those BIG moments, why not take a drive past all of the great spots and moments they had on their Honeymoon, pre-Carly and Franco?

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So, my loves, throw on your leis, and away we go…

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I actually needed a tissue as I watched this vid, and listened to the lyrics of this song! “This I Promise You” Credit: aproditebeauty

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If I were to give the looks that Jason gives Sam their very own theme song, it would be this one! “I Wanna Sex You Up” Credit: JasamAreSoulmates

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 This was just INCREDIBLE! “The First Time I Loved Forever” Credit: aproditebeauty

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If you want a GLORIOUS trip down Memory Lane…hop aboard! “I Want To Know What Love Is” Credit: mandysonly

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Nothing like a SEXY reminder of just how connected JaSam are! “Everytime We Touch” Credit: ashleycramni


Click to view full size imageOkay, Wait…Roberta Flack, Peabo Bryson, AND JaSam? I think I’ve just died and gone to heaven! 😉 “Tonight I Celebrate My Love For You” Credit: aproditebeauty

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What a fabulously sweet, sweet song! And the scenes she chose just ties it all up like a gift!  “I Promise You” Credit: mandysonly

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What a perfect, perfect song for our JaSam, because they are now Mr. & Mrs. Morgan… “After All” Credit: aproditebeauty

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Well, how appropriate that I began this Drive with a tissue, and now I’m ending it with a tissue! That’s okay – this was worth every tear! *sniff sniff* “From This Moment On” Credit: lalachik

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Friends, one of the MOST important things I can ask you to do is to keep letting TPTB know what you are enjoying! Let them know what you’d like to see MORE OF! Let them know that you’d like Jason and Sam to have more meaningful conversations, more alone time, and a lot less movement! (Ha, Ha, Sheryl!)

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It’s true that Jason and Sam barely sat still for more than a minute – and maybe you just need to point it out to those in charge. 😉

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I think it is totally okay to let TPTB know that you’d like more JaSam Lovin’! It’s supposed to be all about LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON! Why not ask for more LOVIN?

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Whatever we ask for, let’s do it with tact and grace! 😉

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Have a great Sunday!

Love you all,




A Sunday Drive…Down A Memory Lane Most Significant: Remembering 9/11/01

Dearest GHers,

There was just no way that I could take A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane today as if it were any other Sunday.

It’s a Sunday like no other, and everything else needs to take a “back seat” (no pun intended) to taking the time to remember what this day will always mean to our country.

For today, just like on 9/11/01, this #JerseyGirl is a New Yorker (or New Yorka, depending on which borough you’re from)

I’ll tell you why…

Ten years ago today, I was feeding my one-month-old infant daughter, Vanessa, and watching my 2-year-old son, Matthew eat his waffles while watching the morning news. It was a beautiful day. I will always remember that.

A few minutes before the start of Regis and Kelly, there was breaking news that would forever change more than just the view of our beloved Manhattan Skyline. A plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers at the Word Trade Center in Manhattan.

I remember that no one on TV, no one that I spoke to after the fact, could ever have imagined that what had actually happened was not a plane in distress, but a terrible act of terror, and the ultimate act of cowardice. It was something that could not even have been imagined before that date, or even before that moment.

I remember crying, thinking how awful it was for those people inside the building to have been there at the moment that horrifying “accident” happened. I worried for the families watching, trying to count which of the 100+ floors had been affected, and being devastated at the realizations that they might never see their loved ones again. When the second plane began to approach, and the reporters, who were watching live with the rest of the world, began to scream ON AIR, a feeling of dread like I’ve never known before crept up my spine and paralyzed me. We all watched in horror, but there was nothing anyone could do! When that second plane slammed into the second tower and disappeared for a moment before the explosion, I literally had to lay the baby down on the couch beside me, because I was so numb, I was afraid I would drop her.

Everything that happened after  – from the collective realization all over the world that it was an act of terror, to the way that world changed forever, was happening in slow motion for me. I remember shaking so badly as I tried to call my daughter’s school, that it took me several tries. I just wanted my daughter and my husband home – close, where I could physically hold my whole family together, because it became clear to me for the first time in my life that a in an instant, a beautiful, sunny Tuesday morning had just become the worst day ever for thousands of families. It was devastating.

Yet nothing could have prepared me for when the first tower collapsed (actually the second tower hit.) While my heart ached and my tears fell for those who’d certainly been killed within the buildings, I was fervently praying for as many people as possible to get out. When the tower collapsed, my fear and anguish turned to despair. How could those giant buildings, such symbols of strength and permanency, and filled with life and energy, come crumbling down into a pile of rubble, with all those people – who meant everything to so many, still inside? I held my kids close and wept like I’d never wept before, and like I’ve never wept since.

Almost as if they knew I was about to lose it if I watched those scenes on TV for one more minute without a break, American fighter jets began to fly over my house at an altitude that literally rocked the structure, and made me grab both babies and run out of the house. For what? I didn’t know. What I did know for sure as I watched those massive planes, whose mission was to stop another attack if it came, and so close I could make out the windows, was that our lives as Americans were never going to feel the same.

America The Beautiful felt, to me, like America The Broken for those first hours.  Another plane slammed into The Pentagon, taking more lives who meant the world to many, and there was still another plane unaccounted for, which later went down in PA, instead of on The White House, thanks to the bravest civilians I’d ever heard of. It was as if the threats to our country were completely out of our control for the first time in our existence. Never had there been a story in a history book where America was as vulnerable as it was that day, and I couldn’t help but think this was one part of history I wished I’d never had to be a part of.

WIthin hours, the smell of fire and the ashes came drifting over into Jersey, leaving a super-fine gray-brown dust on everything. I couldn’t imagine what New York City smelled like, or how people living right there would ever make it through the day, or eat dinner, or go to sleep that night, or ever. That tragedy seemed to hold us all in a death grip of  unbelief and foreboding unlike anything we’d ever known. Yet, even before we knew who or why, or even how we’d ever get through it, everyone seemed to know one thing; and they knew it for sure.

We would get through it together.

As Americans. As honorary New Yorkers. It didn’t matter if you lived across the bay, like me, or across the country, or around the world, like some of you. September 11, 2001 made us all New Yorkers where it counted most…in our hearts. It made us think of  The Pentagon as more than just “the shape building” where all the war stuff gets sorted out, because now we knew it as a target. It also made us grateful for heroes who kept our nation’s capitol from becoming another casualty; but they accomplished that only by knowingly becoming casualties themselves.

September 11, 2001 broke our hearts, but it also made us stronger. I feel many things when I think back to that day, not the least of which is PRIDE in my country, and in our unbreakable INDIVISIBILITY.

For days and weeks after, I found myself singing and humming the songs that I’d grown up memorizing “for such a time as this.” In fact, for my 2001 baby girl, middle of the night lullabies became “America The Beautiful” and “Our Country ‘Tis of Thee”, replacing “Hush Little Baby” and “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” (Perhaps that’s the reason she’s so patriotic) 😉

So, today, instead of romance vids and wedding day talk, I’ll leave you with vids to remind you of what matters most. More worthy of our time than our favorite pastimes, and the things that entertain and distract us, is remembering the day that gripped us all in front of our TVs and wouldn’t let us go. Most important is taking the time to remember those whose lives were cut tragically short. 

“9/11 Remembered: Life’s 25 Most Powerful Photos Ever” Credit: ALexM615

“FDNY Tribute” Credit: asabanan

“Prayer Of The Children” Credit: EternalMomentsLLC

“9/11 Firefighters – I Can Only Imagine” Credit: Dereksolo

“I Believe” Credit: ladyamanda123

And just because it should be the song in your heart today… “The U.S. National Anthem” Credit: yaffytaffy12345

“Ray Charles, Game 2 of The 2001 World Series in New York” Just days after the tragedy, MLB and my New York Yankees showed cowards around the world that our colors don’t run! Credit: aram42287

Instead of doing what I normally ask you to do, try one of the following:

Fly your flags high and proud today. Thank a fireman for doing the job that could mean losing his life because he rushes to save another’s. Salute and pray for the service men and women fighting to keep us safer here and around the world. Tell your children why today is such a special day to America, though it has yet to be made a national holiday. Write your state representatives and tell them to get moving on making it a national holiday. Share with your children where you were and what you were doing when you heard. Watch one of the memorial services. Say “The Pledge Of Allegiance” as a family, after you discuss with your little ones what each line really means. Start a pen pal correspondence with your children and our troops. Log onto the NYPD or FDNY websites and send them (instead of ABC) an email saying, “Thanks for doing what you do!”

NYPD Official Website:

NYFD Official Website:

I just did both! It takes moments, and it needs to be said!

As my kids t-shirts will say today, AMERICA ROCKS.

Let’s never forget the price that was paid for us to be able to say those words.

Be grateful today, my friends. There are just so many reasons…

Love you all and I Love NY!


God bless the souls of every single life that was lost, and may He continue to bless and guide the lives of those who were left behind, never to be the same again.


A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane, And Back Onto The Road To Reality!

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Happy Sunday, GHers!

As I type this, I am exhausted…but in a good way!

We surprised our 10-year-old Vanessa with a birthday party, and she really didn’t suspect a thing! Her reaction was priceless! It’s a wonderful thing to enjoy our loved ones and their big moments! I hope you get to do the same!


This week, our Drive will focus on the Reality of Jason and Sam.

Not dreams. Or fantasies. REALITY.

We need to get it together and remember that Jason and Sam love and accept each other, and that has always been their truth. Then, once we get ourselves together, we need to reach out and help a friend pull it together. FRIENDS DON’T LET FRIENDS DRIVE UNDER THE INFLUENCE of empty hype.

Instead, we take them on a slow Drive…where we can get our heads on straight!

Ready to take off?

Awww…what a sweet, sweet vid. I think this is what Jason will be thinking this way once he’s awake. “If Tomorrow Never Comes” Credit: aproditebeauty

Say “Hello” and show some JaSam Love to a brand new vidder! I hope it’s only of many to come! A reminder that for Jason, there is only Sam. “You and Only You” Credit: Kd23oth

Huh…I want this vid to remind ALL OF US of the strength and simplicity of JaSam’s Love. “Remind Me” Credit: jmsg411

You are just going to love this next one! So perfect for our JaSam, as they really do show us what “The Glory Of Love” is all about! Credit: aproditebeauty

Here’s something else we need to be reminded of…”Keep Holding On” Credit: Jasamis4evr

Another wonderful look back at our Jason and Sam and what they’ve overcome. “All We’d Ever Need” Credit: aproditebeauty

Wow, wow, wow! I couldn’t think of a better way to end our Drive than with a rock solid reminder of JaSam’s Reality. This vid should serve as the calming agent for everyone who still allows themselves to get worked up about dreams, fantasies, pics, or whatever else. The truth is that THE ONLY WOMAN who has ever loved and understood Jason…and still stayed has been Sam. So say this with me: To The Haters – Dream On! Watch and love it…“And Really Who Can Understand Jason?” Credit: yugottahitpeople

I am hoping you enjoyed our Sunday Drive, and that you’ll come back and take it again the minute you are starting to crack from the Twitter Pressure!

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Jason and Sam are holding on…shouldn’t we???


I’ve GOTTA go get some sleep! (Especially when I actually feel sleepy!)

Love you all,


“It Doesn’t Look Good”…

All clips credited to (THANKS!)

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Well, GHers, “It Doesn’t Look Good” in Port Charles…unless you’re a viewer – and then things are looking FANTASTIC!

Not the case for the actual residents of Port Charles.

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It doesn’t look good for Coleman if he was thinking that two hot mamas walking into his establishment after closing was his opportunity to get lucky. (Thank goodness for the comic relief of people who are blissfully clueless about the drama surrounding the other residents of Port Charles!) Diane and Alexis are all about their girl time, and sorry Coleman – NO BOYS ALLOWED! I thought their conversation was exactly what the episode needed in order to give us all a moment to get ourselves together in between the tought stuff. I also thought it gave us some insight into what the Legal Eagles’ fears are when it comes to relationships. I imagine that there are plenty of viewers who can relate – and hasn’t that been the magical missing ingredient from our soaps: Relatability? Kudos to today’s writer, Nathan Fissell, for knowing his audience. I really enjoyed Diane and Alexis dishing about The Proposal (more connections) and Diane saying they should live vicariously through Sam. (Isn’t that what we all do?)

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Viva DiLexis!

Well, we knew it couldn’t all be fun and games…this is after all, a serial drama – and drama is what we want. It’s also what we got:

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It doesn’t look good for Lucky. The poor guy has been dragging himself around all over town – probably because it would hurt his bare feet too much to actually walk. As Lucky lies there, he is fighting a lot more than just the effects of the drugs in his system, he is battling between memories and the moment – and between fantasy and reality. Lucky keeps seeing himself in the past. (That scene of him sleeping with the candle beside me made me a bit teary, as I remembered those were his some of his closing scenes before he left GH in 1999) He keeps seeing visions of happier times with Liz. Somehow the only thing his brain can connect to at the moment is his past with her. I’d like to think that this is more about the fact that Lucky will always blame drugs for the destruction of his marriage to Liz, and that guilt keeps him imagining what their life together was like before the drugs. I have to say that I have long been a crusader for GH to use more flashbacks. No soap on the air has the history GH has, and using it enriches every viewer’s experience. I know because I watch Y&R and B&B, and they use so many flashbacks that I’d bet their production costs are much lower simply because they must save themselves an episode per week by infusing each daily episode with flashbacks! Watching flashbacks of Lucky and Liz in a time long ago reminds me, and all of you, that they worked once. I sometimes forget that Liz ever had any qualities I liked. Perhaps those flashbacks might convince me they can be revived (it’s doubtful, but I’m open) – just like her love for Lucky. However, I am also forced to ponder what might have been had Liz been this committed to helping Lucky fight his drug addiction the first time around. Last time Lucky was addicted it was also a hazard of his job – couldn’t Liz have dug deep to find all of this concern and faith in Lucky back then, instead of finding a dozen different reasons to run to Jason, and making Lucky feel even more inferior? Oh, how different so many lives would have turned out had she behaved like his life partner then, just as she’s doing now, while he’s married to someone else. Yet, I guess many think that her wanting to help Lucky is better late than never, and so we will see. For the moment, just having her close is enough for Lucky to hold on to.

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It doesn’t look good for Siobhan. She’s fighting for her life, and Lucky – her only connection this side of the pond is nowhere near enough for her to hold on to. I know that Liz may not have thrown her down the stairs (though it did look as if she pulled her down), and I know she didn’t fling her out of the car, though I would think that as a nurse, Liz might have considered that an ambulance may have been a safer option for getting her to the hospital, but the fact is that Siobhan is lying there alone while Liz is free to hunt her husband down. Can I just ask the question – “Where does Dante get off?” I mean, Patrick and Matt were right. It’s not looking good for Liz. For Dante to stick his nose in a conversation that didn’t include him and declare that he had spoken to Liz, and that it was an accident – and (get this:) he did his job, why don’t they do theirs? WHAT THE HECK??? Since when did Dante get assigned as Liz’s protector? And guess what, Dante? Talking to Liz and asking only her what happened does not mean you conducted an investigation! I didn’t even see him take notes for a report. Please someone tell me that Liz will have to deal with some kind of consequence! PLEASE! It might actually make Siobhan feel better – IF she wakes up (to quote Liz).

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It doesn’t look good for Carly. If I were Jax, I would find a way to sneak back to Carly’s WITH Joss, and say that I came in and took Joss to search for Carly or Mercedes because it appeared poor Joss had been abandoned. Who could argue with that? Not Shawn apparently. Certainly Carly has made absolutely no attempt to get home, which makes no sense, since the whole reason they are even in the hospital is because she was desperate to get home to her daughter. Suddenly, her only priority seems to be antagonizing Sam and hanging around waiting for Jason to open his eyes, so that she could heap more guilt on him when he wakes up. What the hell is wrong with Carly? Olivia finally makes it back and tells Carly that Joss is gone, and still Carly is hemming and hawing about not wanting Jax arrested. I wish Epiphany would shoot Carly up with some morphine so that she would finally shut up and get out of the way! Ugh!

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It doesn’t look good for Sonny. He has completely crossed over to the other side of mental stability and wellness. He has gone from being obsessed to being possessed about finding Jax. It troubles me in the very worst way that Sonny is hunting Jaz down while waving a gun and weaving around knowing that Jax has Joss with him! The number of ways this could turn more tragic than he could ever imagine are too many to count. Why Carly didn’t beg Inspector Gadget-less to go find his dad instead of trying to run interference for Sonny? Furthermore, if Carly really had the connection she thinks she has with Sonny, she should have known that Sonny was off…and on the verge of a total breakdown.

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It doesn’t look good for Jason. He has yet to regain consciousness, and Sam had to pour out her full and breaking little heart while he was just lying there, unmoving and seemingly unhearing. Sam was overwhelmed at just the sight of him. How do I know? I felt it. That Kelly Monaco has an incredible gift that makes me not just see and hear, but feel her pain. She does it every time! At the first sight of her walking into Jason’s room and absorbing the fact that a few hours ago (in soapland) he was kissing her and planning their future, and now he’s not even aware that she’s there, completely lost, I was weeping. Not tearing up. Not crying. Weeping – borderline sobbing. How does that she do that?

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When you think about it and look at it from Sam’s perspective…

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It doesn’t look good for Jason and Sam’s future. (Pretend you haven’t seen the “Save the Date” or spoilers – humor me) I imagine that for Sam all of those conversations that it took for Jason to convince her to trust him – to allow herself something she really wanted – to dare to hope for more than just what they already had – and most heartbreaking: “To want something that could be taken away”… are all haunting her right now. Sam is facing all of those fears head on now. His injury aside, there is a deeper, more serious problem in Jason’s brain. Patrick and Matt are unsure of what it is, and they are at odds about what should be done…and when it should be done. To make matters worse, Monica seems to have forgotten that she has been absent from Jason’s life, and because Sam is not Jason’s wife, Patrick had no choice than to ask Monica. As uncomfortable as that situation was, I am proud of Sam for standing her ground and asking to have a say. No one knows Jason better, and no one is closer to him than Sam. She has every right, except the legal one, to fight for Jason. A complete role reversal of what Jason went through when he told Alexis she was Sam’s mother. I just hope that Monica will remember that it was Sam who fought with everything she had to save Jason’s life last time he needed brain surgery. I also hope she remembers that it was Sam who convinced Jason to fight for his own life. And if anyone can do it again, it’s Sam. The Love Of His Life.

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Jason wouldn’t be alive today if not for the power of Sam’s love for him.

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I dare anyone to try and forget that, dammit.

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All of that being said, it was quite a cliffhanger for a Wednesday afternoon epi, huh? This is what great soaps are made of! I enjoyed it so much that I actually had to contain myself while making my calls and sending my emails to TPTB!

What about you?


Take a moment and let TPTB know how moved you were by Kelly’s outstanding performance, and let them know this is why we need more of her onscreen!


GH Los Angeles: 323-671-4583

GH New York: 212-456-7777

Twitter: @GeneralHospital, @KellyMonaco1, @1SteveBurton

Facebook: General Hospital Feedback

Snail Mail: Garin Wolf, Headwriter, General Hospital, c/o ABC-TV 4151 Prospect Avenue Hollywood, California 90027

(You can also use that address and General Hospital heading for any actor/actress, or for your favorite writer.)

And PLEASE, remember those hashtags (#) when tweeting! #JaSam


Believing more than ever…



All clips credited to the awesome people at (Thank you!)

Is it really only Thursday, GHers?

I am counting the minutes for this next story arc to take off…I am so ready for our couple to be embroiled in a good storyline all their own!

I’m thinking we’ll finally get some good scenes today as things seem to by lining up for the *whispers* … crash.

It will be interesting to see how our fave Port Charlesians figure out HOW TO DEAL with this next crisis,and all that it brings…especially as we watch them deal with what’s already going on.

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It makes me smile when I sit down to watch GH and see The Quartermaines on my screen. It makes me hopeful about GH’s future when I see them embracing their past. That’s exactly what both Tracy and Edward had to do – with Skye. They really are so fun to watch – even when they are fighting tooth and nail!

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The Quartermaines are unique in that Edward knows exactly who Tracy is, and Tracy knows exactly who Michael is, and that they both know exactly who Skye is, even though they each know her to be a different person, and have different ideas on how to deal with her. It did make me raise an eyebrow to hear Skye telling Edward that she returned because of family. Edward is no longer in the prime of his life. I don’t think his heart can withstand deception like it once did, and if Skye hurts him I will like her even less. I would have hoped that Skye would have learned a thing or two about partnering with dangerous men with ties to organized crime, but apparently not. I have a few ideas on how to deal with Skye if she backstabs her “family” this time around, and they all include Jason…and his big, shiny gun.

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Speaking of The Quartermaines, I am back to wanting to smack Michael upside the head. In fact I am Team Tracy when it comes to pointing out just how little weight Michael seems to give this new job package he duped Grandfather into offering him and Abby. He is totally crapping on his family and their generosity, but more than that, he is once again reminding all of us – and maybe even Abby, that even though Michael may have had too much life experience for people his age, he is also not ready for adulthood and all that entails. He may not even be ready for this adult relationship. He may be a Q, but Abby is not, and I don’t think she knows how to deal with living like one when she knows that at some point, she’ll be back to fending for herself. For Abby, it’s important to at least make a good impression so that she might at least be able to put her time at ELQ down on a resume someday, and Mikey is kinda ruining that with his Caribbean play date. Michael needs to grow up, or give it up until he learns how to deal with life as a big boy.

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To be fair, Michael is also part Carly. Hmmm….I’m not sure how it happened so quickly, but Shawn seems to  have figured out how to deal with Carly almost as well as Jason. He calms her down, he doesn’t allow her to railroad him, and he knows how to work her pretty effectively.  How to deal with the adorable Joss seems to be something Shawn’s pretty darned good at, too. I know a certain someone who thinks he does EVERYTHING well – including just swaggering onto our screens 🙂 Shawn may just be at the right place in Carly’s life at the right time. She is a long way off from having figured out how to deal with not having Jason at her back and call, so it may just be good for her to have Shawn right there whenever she calls. It may also pay off for Shawn…as Carly is going to need an outlet for all of that pent-up love.

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I’ll tell you what. I don’t even have to work with Robin – all I have to do is watch her at work for about 10 minutes and I want to lock her in a supply closet until she agrees to slip her resignation under the door! My goodness – how to deal with a control freak is one challenge. How to deal with a control freak with OCD is another. I’m starting to think that Robin is getting her revenge on anyone at the hospital who ever even smiled at Dr. Lisa Niles. Why else would she be coming up with crap like color-coordinated scrubs? I am so glad Epiphany is back at work long enough to tell her how she really feels – ‘cuz we know no one does it better that ‘Piph! I know it seemed childish for Patrick and Matt to be sitting in the corner bitching and moaning about Robin, but honestly – it is going to take a team effort to figure out how to deal with Robin as Chief of Staff, while still having to love her. I am curious how Robin will manage all of her newly implemented changes and surgery rotations when Jason is the one to be wheeled in through those ER doors clinging to life… 

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Jason, Jason, Jason. Jason is like the clean-up crew. He comes in and cleans up everyone else’s mess. Sometimes he’s quiet, and just does what needs to get done, other times he listens to what needs to be said, and other times still, he says what needs to be said. I am sometimes surprised by people’s reactions to Jason being Mr. Clean-up. How could he be anything else? Jason woke up all those years ago not knowing who he was or what he even knew how to do. Everyone told him he was going to be a doctor. That he was brilliant. On his way to being successful. The problem with that was that those very people turned around and expected all of those same things from him. That was enough to drive anyone to the edge. Then Jason met Sonny and the pressure was lifted. Sonny didn’t expect what Jason couldn’t figure out, so he taught him a new way of life. It’s why Jason still feels so indebted to Sonny. It’s why he didn’t throw him off that terrace when Sonny, in his manic ramblings, actually told Jason he couldn’t imagine his pain because “he’d never loved anyone like this.” Wow, it’s a good thing Sonny is covered by a mental disability because that’s the only excuse I can think of for Sonny not hearing the cruelty in saying that to a man who just lost his son. But Jason’s not me. Or you. He makes allowances for Sonny because of their relationship. Within that way of life that Sonny once offered him – without a list of expectations, Jason became the person who was able to help Sonny, and figured out that it was something he was good at. So, I think he decided he would get even better at it, and that it would be his thing. And so…Jason went on and helped Robin. Jason helped Brenda. Jason helped Carly. Then came Michael, and the list goes on and on. Jason feels most like the only self he knows when he is doing the first thing he learned to do when he woke up: helping others. Saving them from themselves, or from any other danger that could be lurking around the corner. Like most of you, I have had my moments of impatience where I want to knock Jason back into the ’90’s when he is in Superhero mode…like with Carly, or Michael, and most annoyingly – the way he was with Brenda. However, when I stop and watch Jason, and really listen, like I did today, it hits me. This is still the only thing he thinks he can offer the people he cares about; to take care of them, and to clean up after them. Then I want to just hug him.

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You know, I thought it was actually pretty deep that Jason would have to deal with Sonny after the roles were reversed. So many times Jason has had to help Brenda, to hold her up when Sonny has walked out of her life. This time, Brenda was the one to walk out of Sonny’s life, and Jason had to deal with Sonny’s breakdown. (On a lighter note, I will say that even off his medications, Sonny is a lot more sane and easier to deal with than Brenda ever was) No one else could have helped Sonny pick up this mess. It could only be Jason. Sonny and Brenda’s relationship – or the ending of it, has come full circle, and as Jason said, “It’s Over.” And Sonny needed to hear that,as hard as it was.

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There is so much speculation and so many rumors about what happens after Jason’s accident, and I don’t even go on spoiler sites! Twitter is afire almost all day with what people are reading here, there, and everywhere. I imagine that Jason’s journey has to also come full circle in some way. In the years since his accident, he has learned some meaningful lessons on what his family lost. The fact that Jason didn’t know them didn’t ease their pain when they lost him. Losing Jake taught Jason that. I would love it if his accident, his coma, and his “dreams” led Jason to see that he is so much more than just the clean-up guy. I would love it if Jason finally figured out, thanks to what life and love with Sam have taught him, that he is really good at being a friend. That he’s really good at loving people, and making them “feel like they’re enough”. That he’s really good at being Sam’s fiance, and that he can be even better at being her husband.  I would hope that this accident that puts him right back where Jason Morgan began and Jason Quartermaine ended can teach him that he is deserving of having his own life and his own happiness, and not just the satisfaction of cleaning up after everyone else. Imagine the kind of character development that might prompt in the lives of Sonny, Carly, and Michael, just to name a few. They might actually have to live based on how to deal with their own decisions. Can you imagine a Port Charles like that?

How to deal…the possibilities are endless!


Take a moment and let TPTB know what you are looking forward to most!


GH Los Angeles: 323-671-4583

GH New York: 212-456-7777

Twitter: @GeneralHospital, @KellyMonaco1, @1SteveBurton

Facebook: General Hospital Feedback

Snail Mail: Garin Wolf, Headwriter, General Hospital, c/o ABC-TV 4151 Prospect Avenue Hollywood, California 90027

(You can also use that address and General Hospital heading for any actor/actress, or for your favorite writer.)

And PLEASE, remember those hashtags (#) when tweeting! #JaSam


Looking forward…


Here Comes Trouble

All caps are credited to (and greatly appreciated!)

Hey there, GHers!

I know Monday was Bob Guza’s last show, but I have to say that my excitement started creeping up on me even before the door could hit him in the proverbial ass.


Perhaps it’s just that every time I look at my calendar and see the countdown to September 23, I am reminded that GH is already headed in a new direction! I am reminding everyone I know to tune back in and check out the New and Improving GH. I hope you’ll do the same! I want my GH on the air for many years to come!

It does seem that cliffhangers are going to be making a return to our Gh screens, and soon! With everything happening all in Port Charles right now, it seems we will be at the edge of our seats more often than not in the near future. When it comes to soaps, drama most often comes in the form of trouble. And judging by what’s going on in Port Charles, it’s safe to say, “Here Comes Trouble!”

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I know that Scrubs fans must have been thrilled today.  Their couple finally, finally remembered that they are a married couple, coming back from the equivalent of a tragedy in their lives, and they need some connecting time, and I don’t mean connecting patient files by color. While I think their romantic (patient) suite time will be all good for the moment, I think it will feel, especially to Patrick, as though it was just a moment. Patrick and Robin spend a lot of time at the hospital, and the dynamic has changed. They are no longer on the same side, or the same team. Robin is now Patrick’s boss, and she really has no problem with enjoying that, and that may not always be cute to Patrick. She’s driving everyone nuts, so this is not just about Patrick not being able to handle his wife being his boss. And let’s face it – he’s not alone. Robin’s personality does not make for the best kind of boss, because NOTHING is worse than a boss who thinks they are always right by default. So, Patrick and Robin and this marriage better watch out…Here Comes Trouble!

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I am kind of happy that Steve Webber has stepped down as Chief of Staff. He’s too young and virile to spend all of his time worrying about scheduling surgeries and overseeing staff at the hospital. With all he does for his sister and her boys, he already had enough on his plate. Steve needs some down time. He needs time to explore whatever is going on with Olivia – you know – have his ears rubbed, and his head nestled against her bosom. Now he has it. Or should I say HAD IT, until Liz showed up at the hospital wearing her scrubs and her sanctimonious grin and announced she’s back to work. Of course Steve is concerned. His sister nearly lost her license over her last mistake when she came back to work before she was ready. The hospital was nearly sued for the same reason. I’ve gotta say, Steve, like most of the men in Liz’s life is a better brother than Liz deserves. While he is standing there trying to reason with her, Liz is standing there rolling her eyes, being sarcastic and completely obstinate. He suggested she start painting, take the time to get well, anything to keep her from making another mistake that could potentially hurt someone else. She then had the nerve to tell Steve that she was there because Lucky needed her. I really wished I was there to slap Liz myself. Once again, she does what she wants, without thought to how others will be affected. Watch out, GH! Here Comes Trouble!

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Speaking of Liz, I just don’t understand how anyone could expect Siobhan to react any other way, really I don’t. First and foremost, Lucky is in a really raw place emotionally. He lost his son, because of his father’s drinking and driving, and then to top it off, his father basically told him he never wanted to be his father in the first place. He’s hurting. Add to that the fact that since they met, Lucky has told Siobhan that Liz is basically toxic for him, and that they are a train wreck together. Why in the world would Siobhan think that it’s a good idea for Lucky to go into this undercover assignment counting on his own ability to keep his sobriety going, AND have Liz as his support system? Like it or not, Lucky himself laid a very strong foundation for Siobhan’s misgivings about Liz. Now – add to THAT that Siobhan was almost killed my Liz’s mistake. There’s no other way around it. She has every right to not be able to stand Liz! And not only does Liz get off with a short suspension, but now she’s back at the hospital basically rubbing it in Siobhan’s face that she got off scot-free. I applauded Siobhan for not being backed into the corner where a negative thing can’t be said about or to Saint Elizabeth. Siobhan Let. Her. Have. It. I’m just glad someone did! When I watch Liz and Siobhan, I feel vindicated. Liz is so completely manipulative. While talking to Lucky, Liz is the very embodiment of sweet and supportive for Lucky. When she said to Lucky, “Have a little faith in me, I have faith in you,” I nearly choked. Really, Liz? When exactly did you have faith in Lucky when he was your man? Not anytime it mattered, I can tell you that. Liz seems to be struggling with a personality disorder. She is one person in front of her manipulees (Yes, I totally just made that word up), and someone completely different in front of the women who love them. Just watch her body language. Watch her facial expressions. The way she goes from zero to total snark in less than 6 seconds flat. All that talk about how Siobhan came to be Lucky’s wife, and how she and Lucky got married because they were in love? What a load! The last time she married Lucky she was knowingly pregnant with Jason’s kid, she was secretly creating moments in which she dangled that baby in front of Jason’s nose as if it turned her on, and was telling anyone who would listen that her and Lucky were over. I’d think if reminded of and given THAT choice, Lucky would choose a green card marriage over a sham of a marriage any day of the week. I give Siobhan a lot of credit. I think I would have mopped that hospital floor with her. Sure, Siobhan was brutally honest, but you know what? Siobhan wasn’t lying. Liz has cried to Jason, to Nikolas, and to Lucky that it was “her fault” that Jake left the house without her even noticing. Now suddenly she is yelling at Siobhan that it “wasn’t her fault?” I know Liz hasn’t been seeing Lainey, so how did Liz come to forgive herself so fully? It’s crap. Liz is obviously not above using that blame game whenever it’s most convenient for her. All that crap about her having changed? Let’s see just how much she’s really changed in the next couple of days. Where will she go now that she realizes that Siobhan isn’t just going to step aside? Look out, 15 flights of stairs at Harborview Towers. Here Comes Trouble. Again.

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Where did Dante attend the Police Academy? He needs to get his money back. I mean, even with the most basic training, he should have been able to see that in their case, trouble isn’t coming, it has been riding their backs since the whorehouse in Florida. (We see it, without police training!) Now they are in Greece, and he’s flirting with Helena. Yes, I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is what it is. I am praying that Dante has been the one to ensure that they are being careful when it comes to birth control. I wouldn’t trust Lulu with a Cabbage Patch doll! Not only are her Daddy Issues out of control, she is drowning in a sea of enabling, and she has absolutely no common sense. Wow. Dante can really pick them, huh? First Brenda, now Lulu. How many ways does Helena have to say it? Dante! Lulu! Here Comes Trouble! (And I’m not even talking about Luke!)

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Jackal P.I. is a hot mess. I think we can agree on that. But who knew that a seemingly meaningless and harmless surveillance job on a bakery could turn out to be bigger trouble than Spin, Jason, or even Port Charles needs right now? Anthony may be many things, but clueless isn’t one of them. He rarely misses a beat, and now that Spin has spilled the beans that he’s been “casing the joint”, Anthony is immediately hatching his next plan! This is most dangerous because Anthony has his hands in more pots that the head baker at the bakery! No matter where Anthony decides to attack from, the main issue here is that no one will even see it coming! Look out, Port Charles At Large! Here Comes Trouble…With A Side Of Crazy!

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You know, friends, TROUBLE can be good! It gives our favorite characters to face it, tackle it, and work through it together! Truly, I am feeling very good about the future of Port Charles right now!

Let’s all keep letting TPTB know what we’re loving most!


Remember those # (hashtags)!

And remember to let TPTB know that they FINALLY got it right!



GH Los Angeles: 323-671-4583

GH New York: 212-456-7777

Twitter: @GeneralHospital, @KellyMonaco1, @1SteveBurton

Facebook: General Hospital Feedback

Snail Mail: Garin Wolf, Headwriter, General Hospital, c/o ABC-TV 4151 Prospect Avenue Hollywood, California 90027

(You can also use that address and General Hospital heading for any actor/actress, or for your favorite writer.)


Talk to you soon,


A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane…To Talk Things Out

Happy Sunday, GHers!

Sorry for skipping out on you guys…found out right before Fourth of July that my next surgery date is Wednesday, the 13th, and so my wonderful husband took a week of vacation time to “Take Me Away” from thoughts and worries relating to surgeries. It was also my daughter, Karina’s 19th birthday, and so we did some celebrating.

Yet…back to reality we go around here.

Thank the good Lord you guys are all part of my reality!


So, where to begin?

First, let me just say that I am so proud to be a soap fan. It seems that All My Children and One Life To Live really will live on! There is no way that would have happened without the tireless dedication of so many fans who would not just take the cancellations lying down, regardless of what they were told as far as their efforts being in vain.

Now we – and I mean WE specifically, as in you and I, must fight that hard for GH, and for what we want more of. I believe that prior to hearing the news about AMC and OLTL, soap fans were a bit down on soaps and were getting to the point where they were afraid of investing in them, only to have them be canceled. I am hoping and praying that the great news infuses all of us with some new passion for our favorite pastime.

In fact, Hold on while I email GH Feedback with my thoughts on the fantastic JaSam scenes we got this week…

Okay, I’m back!

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The one thing the JaSam scenes did for me this week was to remind me how much I love Jason and Sam conversations. Not just a few words in passing, and not just shop talk about the business, and THANK GOD not talk about Michael, Carly, Sonny, or any of the other things Jason has to worry about.

Real DIALOGUE…between Jason and Sam, and (I had to pinch myself because I thought I was dreaming) ABOUT Jason and Sam! How fabulous!

I really have missed it, and this week was just a tease! So I decided that I needed more, and went in search of my favorite kind of vids for this week’s Drive.

Depending on how well you know me, you probably know EXACTLY what kind of vid I am talking about…VOICEOVERS!

I really want to take a moment and commend these vidders who were willing to go the extra mile to make these vids extra special!

I appreciate your commitment, and I applaud your talent!

Off we go!

Buckle up and TURN UP the volume!


In case you need to be reminded exactly how far Jason and Sam have come…this vid is THE ONE. If this vid doesn’t inspire you to call the comment lines three times per day…I just have no words. “Everytime” Credit: aproditebeauty

Another “look how far they’ve come” vid. Thank goodness for the day we finally got our JaSam “Breakthrough” Credit:charmedp3f

Okay, I admit that this one got my attention at first because these were the exact words I said to my hubby last Sunday! However, once I watched, I knew I had to share this beauty with all of you! “Take Me Away From Here” Credit: mk200019

Truly, I hope Jason and Sam are the “Inspiration” to get us fighting like mad for GH and our couple! Credit: aproditebeauty

This vid did a great job of reminding me that voiceovers aren’t just sweet, they’re also sexy! “Everything” Credit: fw 226

Sweet, sweet stuff right here! “JaSam ~ Instrumental” Credit: Sarah CG

This one is pretty darn EPIC! Some great moments and dialogue! “Pieces” Credit: anony33mous

Wow…this last one is total perfection! Leave it to Heather…I am in “LOVE” with this vid! Credit: aproditebeauty

Now that we’ve heard it all, I think we are beyond ready for the LOVE FEST coming soon!!!

What about you?





“Whose Hand Is On The Other End?”

TGIF, GHers!

Let me begin on a happy note…

Happy Birthday To Trusted Hearts…a JaSam board, who is very proudly celebrating 7 years of JaSam Love!

Congrats to Trusted Hearts and the hearts and brains behind it…and here’s hoping that you’ll have lots to talk about for years to come!


Now…can we all just take a moment for the loss we all experienced this day. The departure of Nikolas Cassadine, and his portrayer, the UBER talented Tyler Christopher, who walked out of Port Charles with a little chunk of my heart. He will truly be missed, and GH will surely be less interesting without him.

Let’s just all observe a moment of silence to take it all in.


I have to admit that during the conversation between Nikolas and Lucky I did more than just weep.

I sobbed.


Their conversation tied up so many loose ends! Tracy Thomson, script writer, did an OUTSTANDING job writing every single line. There were so many things to love about their conversation…I only wish the conversation didn’t have to lead up to Nikolas walking out the door, and out of Port Charles.


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I don’t know about you, but my tears were rolling the minute Nikolas began talking…about how Aiden was born so small, and how his name was almost Buzz…about how he would always love him. The the normalcy with which he handed Aiden over to Liz, and explained where his wubby was, and hos he stood there stoically while Liz asked Aiden to wave “buh-bye.” (Really, Liz?) And when Nikolas told Lucky that just because he was handing Aiden over didn’t mean he didn’t still think he was Aiden’s father. Oh! It was just so overwhelming!

I think it was brilliant that the writers didn’t just have Nikolas believe Saint Elizabeth! Nikolas told Lucky he didn’t know for sure about Aiden’s paternity, but that Liz hadn’t been forthright about the paternity of her children, unless it suited her. I whispered “hallelujah” through my tears. Thank heavens that someone has finally said it…

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The angle that Nik was willing to give up his son because it might be what his brother needed, and as penance for his sins was so powerful! Nikolas didn’t want to continue the storied Spencer-Cassadine War again, and in the end, he didn’ want to hurt his brother again. Wow.

When Nikolas explained, in front of Liz, that all he was doing was looking for a substitute for something he will never have again, it both tore my heart out and gave me a deep sense of satisfaction. We all knew that the love story of Nikolas and Emily was the real thing. We also all knew that the “thing” he had with Liz was not. I always had a feeling that Liz thought Nikolas was desperately in love, and she just tried to deal with all of the adoration with patience and forbearance. I’m glad he cleared that up…for all of us.

I was also glad that Liz was called back to the hospital. Nikolas and Lucky needed to do this together, and alone.

Lucky was extremely gracious, totally proving that he is truly Laura’s son. His offering Nikolas his love and forgiveness was hugely gracious. Not many men could do it, and make us all believe it. I loved that Lucky has grown and healed enough that he was able to absolve Nikolas of the blame that wasn’t his. Lucky was right. A woman who is in love doesn’t do what Liz did. And Lucky was right…if Liz had an affair with a stranger (or a hit man) down the street, it would have been the same thing. The BIG moment was when Lucky told Nik that he’s not who he thinks he is.

Wow again!

But, he was right, Nikolas DIDN’T just wake up one morning and think, “I’m going to betray my brother.” He is not the villain he thought he was destined to be because of his Cassadine blood. When Lucky told Nik he released him of that…right then, it was one of those soap moments that I’ll remember forever!

*applause for all involved in that scene*

Tyler really dug deep and made me feel his heartbreak, but more than that, I could feel his regret. He was truly sorry for the pain he’d caused his brother, and it was clear that if he could take it back, he would. Nik thought he loved Liz. He thought that what Liz represented…(and we’ve all heard this about her before) the American dream with the white picket fence, the labrador retriever, the house, the kids, and I guess her baking apple pie…was what he wanted. Then he realized that it just wasn’t his dream.

(I know someone else who realized that “Liz and her fence” wasn’t his dream, by the way.)

Nik realized that it was just another substitute for what he once had with Emily.

That, my friends, is what EPIC Love Stories are all about. What a great reminder.

Nik, the big brother, then went on to impart some wisdom to Lucky, and that was to remind him that in life, nothing will matter as much in those final moments of life as “Whose hand is on the other end.”

Oh. My. God.

I am crying again! That was beautiful!

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Nik’s and Lucky’s final words to one another were filled with love and laughter, and left us broken-hearted with something that GH has missed the mark on lately, but hit it out of the park this time: Closure. Whatever happens next, whether in a few weeks (fingers crossed) or in a few months, Nik and Lucky left nothing unsaid, and left everything in a way they could both live with.

What a gift.

I am so proud of my GH writers for ANOTHER amazing episode!

There were some other strong moments as well, which left me pondering Nik’s riddle…

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Brenda and Sonny continue to struggle with who they are now that they’ve spent all these years apart. Brenda is not dealing well at all with the fact that Sonny defends Carly as a mother, because Brenda knows that Sonny’s bond with Carly is much stronger than she is willing to admit, and more than she can take. Sonny was, as I expected, floored that Brenda was the one being called to the stand, thanks to Jax, and when it came down to it, both Brenda and Sonny were issuing threats to each other as if they were at a Mob Convocation. I really have to wonder, if we were to ask Brenda and Sonny Nik’s question RIGHT NOW, whose hand would be on the other end when they picture those last moments?

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One person we don’t even have to wonder about is Jackal, P.I., formerly known as Damian Spinelli. His love and longing for his Maximista is so deep, that when he can’t even remember how to turn on his laptop, he cannot forget that he is head over heels in love with her. I know that it’s a bit silly at times, but I really am enjoying this Jackal, P.I. alter ego. I’m also enjoying everyone else’s reactions to him. Jason just doesn’t know what to think, Maxie is worried that he’s going to get hurt, and Sonny’s reaction in just priceless! I needed a little comic relief today after having to bury my face into a throw pillow to muffle the sounds of my sobs. Besides, it is certainly romantic that Jackal, P.I. would rather risk ending up on his deathbed, as long as he knew that Maxie’s hand would be on the other end.

Liz better hope she can find someone to hold her hand throughout the legal process awaiting her, as she was just discovered as having been the one responsible for the “human error” that almost caused Siobhan’s death. I had to chuckle at the fact that when Matt told her they had figured out how Siobhan’s OR accident had happened, Liz name just about everyone else as the possible culprit. At least she’s consistent. Am I the only one who believes that Liz is INCAPABLE of taking responsibility for ANYTHING? My goodness. All I can say is that when her career flashes before her eyes, and she’s facing the possible end of it, Liz can find a hand on the other end that she hasn’t bitten, alienated, or back-stabbed, to hold.


Holding out for some Hot JaSam Moments today…



Hey, GHers!

I can’t wait to see my therapist next week. I want her to try something with all of her patients, who like me, have just had a really hard time lately and can’t seem to “get into anything.”

I’d like her to try Anger Trigger Therapy.

I’m not sure, but I think I may have just discovered this new method of getting someone out of their funk and propelling them INTO SOMETHING. I am sure, however, that if the method did already exist, I’ll hear about it! 🙂

How do I know? Well, because today I did something I normally do when I’m feeling a little down. The kids were out shopping with their favorite aunt who spoils them, my hubby was at a retirement dinner, and I had already cleaned, reorganized, repotted plants, and even put up my summer window treatments.

I even forced myself to watch a comedy before I was tempted to do something dangerous – like pull the 13 new weeds I spotted when I glanced out at the pool. Thank you,  Rain, for helping to bring them forth from the earth with such frequency and determination.

(It sucks when even the weather contributes to said funk.)

Anyhoo, the movie I watched was, “All About Steve.” (It was like an omen I guess.)

Funny tale about a woman, Mary, who gets set up on a blind date with Mr. Delicious, a.k.a. Steve, and just decides (I’m still not sure how) that her life and her happiness depend on being with Steve. All the time.  There were some great, laugh out loud moments, and I was really happy I watched!

However once the movie was over, boredom struck once more. So, I looked up my timeline on Twitter, and that’s when it happened.

My heart rate actually quickened.

One of the beautiful people I follow (though I cannot for the life of me remember my password so that I could actually log on) was defending the fabulous and lovely Kelly Monaco.

My interest was piqued, but my defenses immediately went up.

What had Kelly done now to infuriate the masses (who are even more in need of therapy than I am after 17 surgeries)? *rolling my freakin’ eyes*

As I scrolled desperately on my ipod, I spotted it. The reason for the Twitter Uproar.

During an interview where Steve and Kelly talked about upcoming summer plots, and they both talked about how happy Jason and Sam were, (in fact, Steve said they were one of the only “happy” couples) the interviewer asked if this summer was about giving the JaSam fans what they wanted, and Kelly answered that she thought so, and that they’d (JaSam fans) been waiting for a long time.

The interviewer’s next question (because he is also in the business of entertainement) was “What about the Liz/Jason fans?”

To which Kelly answered, (I thought very sensibly) “I’m sorry, but it’s not going to happen.”

You would think she had just threatened to attack the Pope Mobile.

Now, perhaps it’s the educator in me, but I guess this is where one would need basic reading comprehension skills (which I just assume anyone reading a magazine would have) to understand the question and answer, but apparently, I just should not make assumptions.


Because obviously not everyone who read the article has those basic skills I was talking about.

Good Lord! People (please refer to the “masses” I mentioned earlier) immediately began accusing Kelly of thinking herself the head writer, of trying to write Rebecca Herbst out, and a bunch of other insanities too stupid to even mention.

How could Kelly just answer one question in the affirmative about the writers finally giving JaSam fans some of what they’ve been waiting for since Forever, and then answer the very next question any other way?

What did people think the answer should be?

“Yes, Jason and Sam fans are going to be thrilled AND Jason and Liz fans are ALSO going to reunite now that Liz has told another man (who isn’t Jason) that the baby he thought wasn’t his is, and then told another man (who also isn’t Jason) that the baby he thought was his, isn’t?”

Why are they acting more shocked than Harold Camping the day after his end of the world prediction?

I mean, really! What soap have they been watching?

Why was Kelly’s accurate answer even an issue?

Was it even a month ago that Becky Herbst was interviewed by SID, and even though her character is once again embroiled with two other men and a baby, she went on to say that OF COURSE there is hope for Jason and Liz fans?

Did JaSam fans take to her Twitter Fan Account or to her husband’s Twitter account to threaten her life and accuse her of desiring World Domination? If any did, I obviously don’t follow them, because I can’t recall that kind of response. I do know that most thought it was out of left field, and even a little strange for the mag to focus on Jason and Liz once more, but I’m sure Becky wasn’t the recipient of murderous and really UGLY communique. And she gave that answer while Jason and Sam were K-I-S-S-I-N-G, and talking about love and baby carriages!

What the heck?

It boggles my mind.

For those of you who have been with me from the start, you know that while Liz is the character I most love to hate, I have never, ever said a single disparaging word against the actress. Liz is a fictional person, while Becky is flesh, blood, and feelings.

Just Like Kelly, Dammit.

Why can’t people make the distinction between fiction and real people? I am so fed up with it being completely okay for Becky to encourage, promote, and further incite the Utopian mantra of a fanbase whose couple has not been together in almost three years, while Kelly is talking about actual, current storyline and is nearly crucified.

I have to say something, and while absolutely it is in the defense of Kelly Monaco, it is more than that. It is also out of respect for Tyler Christopher, Jonathan Jackson, and Greg Vaughn, just to name the most recent actors on whose behalf I was offended. You see, when Sam and Jason were outrageously and completely absurdly written apart for Jason and Liz, Kelly was always supportive of the person she was currently working with. She talked about Greg with great affection and respect, and wasn’t begging fans to call in and get her back into a Steve pairing. She did her best to sell that LuSam pairing, and she was respectful to the fans who supported them. It was because of those efforts precisely that LuSam became such a HOT couple.

With Kelly, I never got the feeling that it was All. About. Steve. and the pairing he represented.

That isn’t just one of the many reasons I love her – it’s professionalism at it’s best. Kelly knows she had a job to do, and she gave it her all…including fan events with Greg, and some really cute stuff for their fans. (See exhibit A:

The character of Liz was paired with Greg’s Lucky for years! They got a wedding, a romance, and some great story. I must have missed their fan event notice! Becky has also been paired most recently with Tyler and Jonathan, both co-workers she’s had for a really long time. Both characters her Liz shares a whole lotta history with. I even believe in my heart of hearts that it was her history with both Lucky and Nik that ultimately kept her on the canvas. Those pairings also had, and have, fans who invested time and energy in them. Yet, I have yet to see her, or her husband who owns Daytime Connection, set up a fan event for LL2 or Niz. I also cannot remember a time where she took to the mags to encourage fans of those pairings to “fight and keep fighting.”

Please, correct me if I am wrong.

To me, that’s just not cool.

For years, those actors and characters alike have given the character of Liz reason to be onscreen. And the fans who supported those pairings made it all possible.

Yet, in my humble opinion, whenever she is interviewed about her character (since the SOS), it has been All. About. Steve.

Yeah, I said it.

My point is that even though I have always felt that way – because I really used to be a Lucky and Liz fan, and surprisingly enough – I became a Nik-getting-some-action-fan because of my love and appreciation for Tyler and his talent, I have never sent Becky hate mail even when, at the very heights of these other onscreen relationships, she went on and on in every freakin’ interview about this huge Jason and Liz HERStory that fans should be calling and writing in about. I mean, really, isn’t that basically like crapping on the other fanbases and actors? And even though it has always annoyed me to no end, I have never taken to Twitter or to Facebook or even to my blog, where I am protected by my right to free speech, to attack Becky or to say things that would hurt her feelings, or verbally abuse her, because she is a human being, who makes a living providing us with entertainment. Whether I like her character or not.

Just like Kelly, Dammit.

I would hope that neither Steve or Becky would be proud to have fans that are capable of such tasteless, low-life behavior. Ass To The Curb needs to become the standard for those kinds of dealings. I’m almost sure Carolyn Hennesy wouldn’t mind the borrowing of her modus operandi.

Soaps are carrying enough negativity these days – no one needs all this hateful crap weighing down what should be the best of daytime!

So, there you have it. The one thing that snapped me out of my down-in-the-dumps, I-have-nothing-to-say mood.

What can I say? I am a JaSam Fan.

Thanks, Twitter!


FYI: I made 4 phone calls and sent 5 emails to let TPTB know how excited I am about “JaSam’s Summer Lovin’!” I even sent an email to SOD to let them know that I am throwing down some cold-hard cash tomorrow to buy their latest issue – because current couples are what I want to read about! Make sure you give them some props, too! Let’s make them want to feature JaSam more often because it was so profitable!

On a much more positive note, I don’t know about you, but I thought that the interview itself was ROMANTIC. I’m not sure any other soap couple can sell that in print like they did! I literally blushed every time I read that Steve said the word “touch”.


I can’t remember a time I have been this excited for our couple. ABC should let Steve and Kelly give us the previews ALL THE TIME.


Oh! By the way…(SPOILER ALERT)

At the end of the movie, the heroine (played by Sandra Bullock) realizes that her life and happiness couldn’t be All About Steve (played by the gorgeous Bradley Cooper).

And believe it or not, that was a happy ending.


So much love to you all…



“…She’s Not Sam.”

Hey there, GHers!

I was finally able to enjoy General Hospital today from the comfort of my own home, and I have to admit that I  felt a little excited about the fact that our GH seems to have more than just a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving!

I’m not sure about you, but I listened very closely for signs of what the future might hold for all of our favorite Port Charlesians, and I think I picked up on a few things. You’ll have to tell me what you thought about today’s episode.

It’s been a while since we enjoyed a man-to-man conversation between Jason and Sonny where the entire conversation wasn’t about the Mob, It’s Violence, and How Both Affect Michael. *sigh*

It was a nice change. More than that, I thought it was a very important conversation on many levels. I have to thank our friend, Sonny for making something extremely clear: Brenda Is Not Sam.

Oh, Sonny. No. She. Is. Not.

That’s really the reason that I love Sam. And I think, based on the exchanges I’ve had with so many of you over the past almost couple of years, it’s the reason you all love Sam, as well. Hell, it’s definitely the reason that our Jason loves Sam, and the reason that the couple they are together is so unique. Strong. Rootable.

Sam is one of a kind. Unlike anyone else in Jason’s life, or in Port Charles. Maybe even in daytime, as I’ve never felt such a connection with a character as the one I’ve felt with Sam all along.

It made me happy to know that Sonny recognizes Sam’s singularity, and almost sounded as though he wished he had himself a woman with half of the solidity that Sam has. Sonny was once a doubter, and it delights me to no end to see those doubts no longer exist in his mind. But you know what’s even better than knowing that there are no longer any doubts? Knowing that Sam didn’t set out to prove who she was with words or actions, it’s because of the person she has remained, and by the partner she has really always been to Jason, which was always an advantage to Sonny’s family. I cannot really think of a crisis Jason ever helped Sonny or his children through without Sam’s help or support, so of course Sonny would appreciate her value in Jason’s life, and therefore their shared world, and even why he would crave the same kind of stability that Sam offers Jason in such an unstable business.

I love that the entire time Jason and Sonny were talking the best friend in Jason was offended for Sonny that Brenda is “changing the rules” of the game she chose to suit up for and play. Not only did Jason see that Brenda made the decision to marry Sonny and spend her life with his against everyone’s advice, but I think he saw something else in Brenda’s flip-flop behavior: I think he saw exactly what Liz did.

See, from the beginning, Jason tried to explain to Liz that she wouldn’t be able to handle his life. He warned her that she couldn’t really be able to accept who he really was when he wasn’t being intimate. He tried to tell her that his life came with risks that she hadn’t really weighed against her fears or expectations of life. During Friday’s conversation with Sonny about Brenda not being able to deal with “The Life”, Jason was asked if he would have done anything differently now that he is living with all of this regret over losing Jake. While Jason said he would always regret the time he lost with his son, Jason acknowledged that Liz never wanted that life. What I heard him saying is that he knew that having made the choice to be together would really not have a difference in the end. Jason knows that while Liz always liked the idea of  being together, and of being with the bad boy, she really couldn’t live with the reality of all that meant.  Today, I heard Jason say that if Sonny was going to decide that Brenda couldn’t handle his life, or that maybe he couldn’t live with the challenges of keeping her and her son safe, he shouldn’t make that decision alone. That’s what Jason did to Sam once – he made the decision that his life was too dangerous for her, and he made the decision alone. It was a mistake that started a series of unfortunate events that changed them forever. Jason insisted that Sonny and Brenda had to make that decision together – the way he did with Liz. That way, they both took responsibility for the fact that they couldn’t make it work. They both walked away with a clear understanding that it was as far as they could go. It was the end of the road…or as the Jiz fans themselves like to call it: “THE ROAD TO NOWHERE!”

Finally, I heard Jason admit to himself once more before admitting it to Sonny that he is not feeling pressured to do something he’s not ready for. Perhaps Jason’s guilt, pain, and regrets make him feel as though he can’t, or even shouldn’t, admit that he would want another chance to be a father, but if you listen carefully to what Jason says to Sonny, that’s what he was saying. He wants to stop worrying about it, and just do it.

And why wouldn’t he? He’s got Sam to get him through it, the way he’ll get her through her own fears. Thank you, Sonny for reminding him.

Unfortunately, that admission won’t go far in helping Sonny with his current situation. How can Sony really know what the next step in their relationship should be when Brenda herself doesn’t know what her own next step should be? As much growing up as Brenda has done while living on her own and away from Sonny, I am not really sure she ever really came to understand the reality of what living in Sonny’s world would be like. Let’s face it, Brenda may have grown older, but she certainly hasn’t matured. She is still so much like the girl at the prom, wanting to be the Prom Queen to Sonny’s Mob King, without a real thought as to what would happen the morning after the prom. It infuriates me that Brenda has insinuated herself into Sonny’s life and family – that she has made promises to his children about a future that she hasn’t even allowed herself to really face herself. Now she has brought her son into Sonny’s home and life and extended family (Carly), and she isn’t even sure that she can co-exist herself. I want her to stop ruining people’s lives in the selfish pursuit of her passing fancies! For once, I would like to see Brenda put someone else first, but I doubt it’s gonna happen. After all, she’s not Sam.

In other Port Charles happenings, the Doctors Drake seem to have finally caught a break in their own drama with Dr. McCrazy. In a retelling that resembled a detective’s breakdown on Law and Order, Robin and Patrick broke down for us how they put the pieces together in the puzzle known as Lisa…OFFSCREEN. Identity theft affects everyone, even wealthy doctors, as a hard-earned buck is still a hard-earned buck, even when you have much more than the average John Doe, and Patrick wouldn’t just let it go. He investigated the charges on his card, and was able to trip upon Lisa’s plan. Then it seems that our Kristina may be worthy of having been wait-listed at Yale after all, as she finally got smart and told the Drakes about Lisa’s visits while they were out. From there, Robin must have called one of her super spy parents, and figured out that there are ways to sneak around and gather evidence, and that’s exactly what they did. I am glad the nightmare for them is finally winding down, but I have to admit, the busting of Lisa Niles felt a little anti-climactic to me. I would have liked to see Robin at least punch Lisa in the face once to let her know to never mess with her again. But hey, she’s not Sam.

You know, there are days when I love Carly, and then there are days that I wish she and Jax would fall back in love and take a really long vacation together in Australia. Sometimes she just knocks on Jason’s door one too many times in one week, or one day, or one night, and I wish I had the power of Samantha Stevens to just wiggle my nose and banish Carly to the other side of the world. Carly has so much going on in her life! What if she spent some time planning some quality time with her children? Has Morgan even seen Carly since his sister’s illness and surgery? Has she even checked in on Michael to make sure he’s wearing clean underwear, since Olivia is doing Dante’s laundry? And wouldn’t Joss feel better if Jax and Carly spent some together time with her before Carly just picked her up and out of Daddy’s new home? It’s a tough moment when I find myself almost agreeing with Jax about the fact that Carly is not ready to put her children first. Carly told Jason that sharing custody with Jax would give her some breathing room, and that she “would have more time to make sure he’s okay.” Umm, who wants to tell Carly? Jason said Sam is the only thing getting him through this. And she’s not Sam.


The one thing I did hear and could appreciate during Jason’s conversation with Carly was the sound of a 180. When Carly told Jason that she feared that fighting for Josslyn might “get ugly”, Jason unequivocally told her to fight anyway. That was the major fear that kept Jason from fighting to be in Jake’s life. If there is one fear Jason Morgan has it’s the fear of a custody fight. Or perhaps it’s a fear he HAD…past tense. Jason now seems to think that children need their parents more than they need quiet custody agreements where everyone agrees.

That made me think of a conversation Jason had with Sam on the docks back in January of 2008. Sam called it like she saw it, and warned Jason that Liz was cutting Jake out of Jason’s life right under his nose, and that in the end it would be Jake who missed out. She also warned that Liz didn’t understand Jason, and never would be able to stand by him for the man he was. Even with all the anger that was supposedly between them at that point, Jason couldn’t even argue with her on any of it. He knew Sam was right about Liz, even if he couldn’t admit it to himself. So did we. She’s not Sam.

All of my thoughts are pretty well backed up by that JaSam scene which was so hard to watch once, but now I watch it with a sense of triumph. Now I see just how right Sam always was. Take a look: 

By the way, that was a scene written by GH’s new headwriter, Mr. Garin Wolf, while he was active headwriter during the Writer’s Strike. I don’t know about you, but I think those were some of Sam’s best lines of that year!

Have you let him know how excited you are about the direction he will take our favorites in…Jason and Sam, whom he knows so well, the Quartermaines, the Spencers, the Cassadines? The list goes on and on.

Now is the time…because we never really know how much time our favorite harbor town has left.


A Reacquanting Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane

Hi there, my friends.

It’s been a while, I know. It’s been a tough couple of weeks, but I’m on the mend after a mini crisis. Thanks to all of you for all of your comments and emails…I have a lot of catching up to do, and promise to get to it a.s.a.p. I just wanted to thank you all for the love and concern.

My computer has actually fared a bit worse than me – as it is still at my sister’s computer hospital…so here I go thumbing away on my ipod. I hope you’ll forgive me for the limited comments, but my thumbs are a little out of shape, as they haven’t had this kind of workout in a few days!

I feel so much is going on with our GH, with soaps, and with life in general, that I sometimes get a little overwhelmed by it all! I could really use some reacquainting time for Jason and Sam…and for us. I promise that as soon as I get my computer “I will talk your ears off.” (As long as I get it back before my next surgery.

Please…let’s keep our fingers crossed.


Well, it’s been some time. Whatd’ya say we take this Drive together, and let’s get reacquainted with the LOVE we know Jason and Sam share, and with spending our Sunday mornings together!

“All My Life” Credit: aproditebeauty

“I Won’t Give Up” Credit: phickjasam4eva -and- Credit: rayr702

“I Always Run To You” Credit: Jasamis4evr

“Promise Me You’ll Try” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” Credit: Laura9481

“Your Love Is A Song” Credit: Jasamis4evr

“In This Life” Credit: aproditebeauty

“More Than Life” Credit: SandM1827

“You Complete Me” Credit: aproditebeauty

Truly, I just want to take a moment to all of our vidders who took the time to put these together…after the past couple of weeks I needed something to feel not just normal, but dear to my heart. Spending time watching these vids gave me a sense of familiarity that warmed my heart.

I love and appreciate all of you dearly.


A Therapeutic Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane ;)

Happy Sunday, GHers!

I don’t know about you, but I am just tired of all of the silence and sadness surrounding Jason and Sam! I think we may all need to see a therapist if this continues much longer!

This week, I came across a couple more Baby Jake vids, but to quote Lisa Lisa…”I Am All Cried Out.”

The other thing is that I am just really missing their closeness and their intimacy. The beautiful thing about Jason and Sam has always been their ability to portray intimacy without it being a sexual thing, and I have really, really felt that void. So this week, my criteria for the vids was to be able to see some of that intimacy and closeness onscreen.


After watching these vids myself, I realized that I feel much better. I feel as though my JaSam Love and Hope have been recharged! I hope they do the same for you…

So, sit back and enjoy the view!

“Seduces Me” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Corner Of Your Heart” Credit: babzie

“When You Got A Good Thing” Credit: EeyoreBensonStabler

“Twice As Many Stars” Credit: xohugskissesxo2009

“I Lay My Love On You” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Dreams On Fire” Credit: SxyNikki06

“Don’t You Wanna Stay” Credit: hnrhrt

“Always You” Credit: xohugskissesxo2009

“I See The Light” Credit: aproditebeauty

Now, don’t you feel better?


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



If there was EVER a time to make a commitment to keep our couple onscreen and together…it’s NOW!

Please tweet @GeneralHospital as often as you can to counteract the terrorism that GH twitter account is facing at the hands of that other fanbase.


Take a look at their timeline once in a while, and see where your skills are needed most. Let’s fight for our JaSam, and for the future we want them to have! Let @GeneralHospital know what we want for our couple…and let’s do it with class!



April 9

2008: Just look at Liz glaring at them!

2009:  Aww!

Make it a COMMITMENT to keep asking The Writers to keep adding to the FABULOSITY that is JaSam’s Love Story!


Making A Difference For JaSam…Every Day! 

Call: ABC: 818-460-7477, Press 1, then 2, then 3, then 464, GH LA: 323-671-4583 

TWEET OUR FAVORITES: Tweet Steve and Kelly and try to counteract all of the negativity dumped there daily! Let them know what real fans look like, and let them know how much we enjoy ALL OF THEIR scenes, ESPECIALLY JaSam Scenes! Steve’s Official Twitter Is: @1SteveBurton Kelly’s OFFICIAL Twitter Is: @KellyMonaco1

SOAPNET: Go on and share your favorite JaSam Storyline! Please make a commitment to this project! Especially since the “other side” is filling it up with GARBAGE!

Facebook GH FEEDBACK PAGE: FLOOD THAT PAGE WITH POSITIVE JASAM LOVE DAILY! THIS is the page that gets attention from those who matter! PLEASE, please, please remember not to make it only about wanting JaSam – that gets overlooked as “fanbase crap”. Use solid, honest, but tactful language letting them know what you think the strengths were on that particular day, and if that’s Steve and Kelly, that’s fine – but this is NOT the place to go all ga-ga because we got some make-out time. Remember to use their names (character/actor) separately, i.e. Kelly and Steve instead of Stelly, and Jason and Sam instead of JaSam. You can also calmly state what you think the weaknesses were, such as overused characters, storyline inconsistencies, or not enough use of the history of our dearest characters and vets. EVERY PHONE CALL, EMAIL, FACEBOOK POST COUNTS – SO REALLY GIVE IT YOUR ALL! 


Snail Mail: Remember to GUSH, THANK THEM, and SHOW LOVE for what we’re getting with our JaSam! PLEASE: Leave out frustrations, bashing, anger, and other couples!

Bob, Guza, Head Writer
Jill Farren-Phelps, Exec. Producer 
Elizabeth Korte, Editor
c/o ABC-TV 
4151 Prospect Avenue  
Hollywood, CA  90027
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair 
Disney Media Networks Division
500 S. Buena Vista St. 
Burbank, CA  91521

Our couple is counting on US!


A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane … And For The Long Haul

Hey, GHers!

I just finished cleaning up from Matthew’s surprise birthday party a little while ago. Still feeling the high from seeing my son so happy to be surrounded by family – his favorite cousins, his aunts and uncles, his grandmothers…it was just fabulous!

I am feeling truly blessed…which is why I couldn’t wait to shower and get cozy in my chair so that I could work on this. You guys also make me feel blessed! Thanks for all of the warm and thoughtful comments you’ve all left! Karina and I really enjoyed going through them together, and all that love you share with me has been good for my overall health!

You guys are amazing!


As I went through the vids for this week, it was very clear that everyone is feeling very strongly about Jason and Sam being there for each other during this tragedy. I felt that the majority of vids this week focused on reminding us at how good Jason and Sam are at being there for each other and at loving each other through the tough times!

I hope that as you watch, you’ll feel that as well, and I hope it will inspire you all to get more vocal! Talk their ears off over at ABC and GH letting them know why Jason and Sam are the couple that belong together. Let them know why you feel so passionately about keeping them together and about giving them their own story…with everything we’ve been waiting for! We want it all for our couple, and we deserve it!

Now, let’s get to that inspiration!


It’s not easy for our favorite Stone Cold hitman to show his vulnerabilities, but when he does…it’s to Sam. Perhaps it’s because there “Ain’t No Way” she’ll let him down. Credit: aproditebeauty

Hmmm…Jason and Sam have been able to stand more than just the rain. They’ve withstood storm after storm…I’m ready for some rainbows and sunshine. “Can You Stand The Rain?” Credit: creativestorymaker

I Love, Love, LOVE stumbling upon new vidders! It makes me smile to make new JaSam Buddies! Welcome this next vidder to our Bella Mafia family…”This Love” Credit: cheyanne62002

Another brand new JaSam vidder! What a great week for JaSam fans! 😉 And really, what two words can say it better about JaSam’s Love than these two…”Love Survives” Credit: ChristineTheHippie

Jason and Sam have been way more to each other than a liaison, and they’re in it for the long haul, not just a temporary Journey. And they have proven that they will be there for each other…always. “I Will Be There For You” Credit: aproditebeauty

Jason sure could “Use Somebody” to get him through this… I’m just glad he chose Sam. Credit: PhickJasam4eva

Throughout this nightmare for Jason, I think it’s safe to say that Jason has realized once again that Sam is all he has. Here’s another masterpiece from our friend, Heather. “All I Have” Credit: aproditebeauty

Oh. My. Word. Just when I thought I’d cried every possible teardrop over Jason’s heartache, and how it must hurt Sam to see him experience the loss she once experienced…along comes a vidder who makes me see there are still plenty of tears left! Grab a tissue before watching this beauty…”Precious Child” Credit: FairSamantha


I could ride with those two all day!


I hope you all enjoy what’s left of the weekend! Please take a few minutes to email your Love for JaSam, to write a Snail Mail JaSam Love Letter, and to call those comment lines! Call as often as you are able!

There’s no time like RIGHT NOW!

Love you all,



If there was EVER a time to make a commitment to keep our couple onscreen and together…it’s NOW!



April 1

2004: LOL…these two were funny back then, but I always knew! Really I did!

2005: Just listen to our Sam…a.k.a. The Rock in Jason’s life! Sam ROCKS!

April 2

2004: Just look at the way our Jason was looking at our Sam – even back then! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Make it a COMMITMENT to keep asking The Writers to keep adding to the FABULOSITY that is JaSam’s Love Story!


Making A Difference For JaSam…Every Day! 

Call: ABC: 818-460-7477, Press 1, then 2, then 3, then 464, GH LA: 323-671-4583 

TWEET OUR FAVORITES: Tweet Steve and Kelly and try to counteract all of the negativity dumped there daily! Let them know what real fans look like, and let them know how much we enjoy ALL OF THEIR scenes, ESPECIALLY JaSam Scenes! Steve’s Official Twitter Is: @1SteveBurton Kelly’s OFFICIAL Twitter Is: @KellyMonaco1

SOAPNET: Go on and share your favorite JaSam Storyline! Please make a commitment to this project! Especially since the “other side” is filling it up with GARBAGE!

Facebook GH FEEDBACK PAGE: FLOOD THAT PAGE WITH POSITIVE JASAM LOVE DAILY! THIS is the page that gets attention from those who matter! PLEASE, please, please remember not to make it only about wanting JaSam – that gets overlooked as “fanbase crap”. Use solid, honest, but tactful language letting them know what you think the strengths were on that particular day, and if that’s Steve and Kelly, that’s fine – but this is NOT the place to go all ga-ga because we got some make-out time. Remember to use their names (character/actor) separately, i.e. Kelly and Steve instead of Stelly, and Jason and Sam instead of JaSam. You can also calmly state what you think the weaknesses were, such as overused characters, storyline inconsistencies, or not enough use of the history of our dearest characters and vets. EVERY PHONE CALL, EMAIL, FACEBOOK POST COUNTS – SO REALLY GIVE IT YOUR ALL! 


Snail Mail: Remember to GUSH, THANK THEM, and SHOW LOVE for what we’re getting with our JaSam! PLEASE: Leave out frustrations, bashing, anger, and other couples!

Bob, Guza, Head Writer
Jill Farren-Phelps, Exec. Producer 
Elizabeth Korte, Editor
c/o ABC-TV 
4151 Prospect Avenue  
Hollywood, CA  90027
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair 
Disney Media Networks Division
500 S. Buena Vista St. 
Burbank, CA  91521

Our couple is counting on US!


A Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane…Looking For The Couple We All Love & Miss!

Happy Sunday, Everyone!

It’s me again…Karina, and I’m going to admit that I was a little bit excited about posting the drive for you this weekend! LOL!

Before I do that, I just want to thank all of the people who took the time to make me feel like I did okay! I was a little nervous last week, and you all made me feel like I didn’t let you down with your sweet comments and emails and tweets. Your thoughtfulness made both my mom and me so happy!

Our family owes all of you a whole lot. Now that I’ve gotten to experience just a little of what my mom has experienced from the beginning, I can honestly say that you guys are my mom’s other family. Thank you for being there…out there, somewhere!

This week, my mom received flowers from some of you (Thanks again, Aunt Ro, Jenn, Steph, and Becky) I think you should know that even though they were for Mom, the entire family was truly touched by your generosity and kindness. We were all wiping tears as she read the cards because we could see what they meant to her, and what YOU all have meant to her these past couple of years.

Big hugs and a lot of love from all of us!

My mom should be back at it in a day or two, don’t worry. She is doing much, much better, but her vision still gets a little bleary from trying to focus, so she is going to follow directions and wait ’til she’s ready! (Right, Mom?)

Anyway, I caught up on the “big stuff” on this week, and I have to say I’m a little bummed. Where are the Jason and Sam I know and love? I need Sam and Jason to get through this together, just like they always have. I don’t like the distance at all, and the reasons for it won’t change my mind! I want Jason to lean on Sam, and I want Sam to be the one to help him find his way back, just like she did when he thought Michael was dead! (Yup, I was watching back then!) 

That’s how Jason and Sam got everyone hooked, isn’t it? By being there for each other – time after time? We know it works, so can we just stick with the tried and true? Jason and Sam were MY first (and really my only) Favorite Soap Couple, so this week was not my favorite, but I’m sure we’ll find our JaSam again!

Now that I’m kinda getting the hang of this, I wanted to find vids that showed the side of Jason and Sam I love best and miss the most. Can I tell you all that I can’t believe just how many vids there are for Jason and Sam and their story? I always wondered how my mom seemed to know all the songs we know, when she never listens to the radio…now I know. 😉

Here are my picks for this week’s drive! Hope you all like them!  (To all the people who make them – you guys are just AWESOME! Thanks – I can totally get into this!)

“Hold It Against Me” (I would so NOT hold it against either of them!) {That comment will so get me a “KARIIINNNAAA!”} By: reallysophie

“Vanilla Twilight” (Okay, I admit that the “Twilight” part of the title got me originally, but this vid shows Jason and Sam just the way I love them: CLOSE!) By: Jasamis4evr

“I Need You” (Okay, so voiceovers are my all time favorite, {just like my mom, she says!} as is Marc Anthony!) By: aproditebeauty

“I’d Do Anything To Make You Happy” (This one is an older one, but when I heard the beginning, how could I resist?) By: Jasamlover69

“Forever By Your Side” (Wow, what a great vid! It made me miss this side of them so much!) By: aproditebeauty

“When A Woman Loves” (I think I’ve discovered a lot of new music today in addition to this beautiful vid which made me tear up!) By: lalachik

“I’m Still Here” (I hope that soon Jason will realize that Sam is still there too.) By: allegator20

“DOWN” (This video should play during GH! What a great way to show both their losses!) By: justagirl1516

“Borrowed Angels” (Another tearjerker…but beautiful!) By: aproditebeauty

“Hold On” (Because that’s what I hope Jason and Sam do now more than ever before! THIS ONE IS FOR AUNT RO, AND FOR MY MOMMY – BECAUSE THEY BOTH LOVE THEIR MICHAEL BUBLE! x0x0x0) By: luckiBelle02

I really enjoyed this week’s drive! I hope you did, too!

*JaSam Rocks*

To quote Michael Buble, “We are the lucky ones – to have all of you!!”

Luv, Karina


Pics Credited to

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GHers, Port Charles is just one of those towns. Stay around long enough and you’re bound to find out that there really are no secrets here, and even if managed one – sooner, rather than later, you’re gonna get caught red-handed!

Poor Jules. I really did get a kick out of Jules. He’s like a more mature, more refined Spinelli, and he even makes my nine-year-old giggle. We’ve gotta love the comedic relief whenever we can get it. and we do get it whenever Jules graces our screen. Too bad that Jules doesn’t have what it takes to work for The Balkan, he’s just too honest, and too decent to be working for one man, while plotting to betray him to another. Poor Jules nearly scalded himself with Mr. Hoffman’s hot, BLACK coffee just at the sound of hs voice. He is jumpier than a two-year-old at church. His second mistake was when he called Theo Mr. Hoffman. I thought it a nice detail of his controlling personality that The Balkan would notice that Jules didn’t call him “Theo” or “Mr. Big”. However, the best moment of their interactions was when Theo asked Jules if he was planning to execute him, and Jukes nervously answered, “Yes.” I chuckled right along with my daughter’s laughter as the entire scenes was really well done. Who is this Jules guy? I really wish he could stay around! He and “The Blade” could team up with Spinelli and maybe come up with a sequel to his first novel. Unfortunately, thanks to Brenda’s BBBIIIIIGGGG MOUTH, our pal Jules was caught red-handed when Theo opened the door and Brenda yelled out, “Are we leaving?” Duh, Brenda! Thanks for spoiling our fun!

Maxie spent way too much time with her ex-non-husband, Spinelli. She has as many hare-brained schemes as he did. Now she and Matt have broken into John’s apartment, and are perfectly poised to hear exactly what Maxie suspected all along.! Yup! John and Lisa have been caught red-handed, and not just about to get busy either! They are going on and on about the fact that John is blackmailing Lisa about the syringe she was going to use on Robin! Talk about busted! Let’s just hope Maxie and Matt can get out of there without John or Lisa making them collateral damage in their twisted game of CRAZY!

Poor Spinelli. No good deed ever goes unpunished! He takes the first break he’s had in weeks, as I have not seen hide nor hair of him, and sits at the bedside of his friend and partner, Sam to entertain her with a reading of his Stone Cold chapter, and he’s caught red-handed by Stone Cold himself! Jason was a bit of a brute with Spinelli today, and Sam had to step in and back him off. I just really wish Jason could use some of that insensitivity for a good cause: like asking Spin to move out!

Perhaps Spin could move into Siobhan’s old room over Kelly’s when she takes Lucky up on his offer to become Mrs. Lucky Spencer (Hey, Steph! I almost typed Lucky Charms! LOL!) GH’s writing team continues to woo me this week with something I will always continue to see as The Beauty Of GH – and that’s when we see our favorite, long-time characters like Alexis Davis and Luke Spencer involved in a story together. This makes sense to me! Luke and Natasha have a deep connection and a great friendship. They also have extraordinary chemistry onscreen! I loved that both Alexis and Luke were there to help Lucky and Siobhan deal with her immigration issues, and attempting to keep Lucky from getting caught red-handed with a fraudulent marriage, in very contrasting ways. It was a classic moment!

(Can I just say that Alexis never looked more like daughter Sam than today, as she rocked that black leather jacket! Nancy Lee Grahn was caught red-handed looking Davis Girl HOT! )

Carly would probably make the List of the Top Ten Most-Busted Chicks in PC, and I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see her claim the top honors. It seems that Carly gets busted a whole lot more often, and a whole lot faster whenever she takes on an underhanded or dirty deed these days. I mean, compared to back in the day when Carly was able to come to town, work at the hospital with the unsuspecting mother who’d given her up for adoption and was about to have her life blown apart as part of Carly’s revenge, lure said mother’s husband away, get pregnant by AJ Quartermaine, pawn the baby bump off on Tony, and then have Jason step in to hold the paternity diaper bag before having her secrets come crashing down on her, today’s Carly is a lightweight! Carly not only helps Tall, Extra Dark and Handsome Shawn Butler, but she puts him up at her house, lets him spend the night, AND wear one of her hubby’s shirts. Problem? Yeah, when she gets caught red-handed by aforementioned hubby, who just happens to have a serious abhorrence to all things mafioso. Really, Carly should have thought that one out a little better. She doesn’t know Shawn from a hole in the wall – and hopefully Shawn still doesn’t know her from a hole in the wall yet either. I want to believe that Carly has learned something – anything from the past few years and what her children have been through. I would like to see her think about this for at least a (half) hot minute! 

Jax is of course, furious! This is after all, still half his house, and Carly’s got some freshly showered, half-dressed dude walking around like he knows the place rather well. It wasn’t a good thing for Josslyn to see, and thank God that Morgan wasn’t there to see it! Carly is a mother! Their mother, and don’t those kids deserve some stability? It’s a scary thing when Jax seems like the most stable person in their lives, but that’s how it looks. Jax, a corporate raider by trade, immediately calls in the legal experts to protect his interests – and both Joss and Morgan are. Too bad that the moment Jax spills the beans of his intentions with Carly, he is caught red-handed by Carly’s ex, and the crux of their problems – Sonny.  Not even Diane can facilitate talks between these two, but really at the bottom of all of this is more than just Carly or her kids. This is a long, legendary battle that stems from their love for another woman – Brenda. I really would have liked to have seen Brenda’s return be more about Sonny and Jax and less about Jason, The Balkan, and Dante. Sonny and Jax still push each others’ buttons, they still make each other seethe whenever she is at the center of their disagreement, and there are lots of long-lost fans who would’ve shown up ring-side for that battle. Oh well, what’s done is done. We’ll just have to see where everyone lands when this is all over.

It seems that Dante The Wonder needs to get Spin a job so that for once he can actually get all of the facts straight on a case before Jason does. I must say, Jason owes Spin an apology. He really did deliver when he showed up at the Penthouse with that picture of Theo and Suzanne back in the day! (If that picture were real, it could totally end up on Ellen’s “Bad Pictures People Pay For”, by the way) I was so damned happy that Spin didn’t blurt it out in front of Dante – I just can’t take Dante being any more heroic than he has already been since his arrival in Port Charles! Really! I mean, the other day even Sonny wa trying to get him out of PC – I think we all need a break! Thank goodness (and Spinelli) that it wasn’t Dante who got to figure out the Mr. and Mrs. Balkan Connection! Just as I mentioned at the beginning of this post – you can’t really keep a secret in Port Charles, so just as PC luck would have it, Suzanne decided to go sniff out some information from Sonny’s camp, and knocks on Jason’s door as he is absorbing the information. She really stepped in it, huh? Jason, who is NOT GOOD at pussyfooting around something like this, lets her know in no uncertain terms that she has just been caught red-handed. Good luck, Suzanne!

Jason would hate this if he read this just as much as he hated knowing he’s a chapter in Spin’s novel, but I’m going to write it anyway: Jason and Sam were caught red-freakin-handed being totally adorable! From the moment Spin left the hospital room and Jason heard he was going to get to take Sam “home”, he went from surly Beast to Prince Bumbling, but still Charming.

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I love the way Jason talks to Sam, I love the way he kinda smiles like he did when he walked over and leaned in for a kiss, and my knees go weak when he looks into her eyes like he did after that kiss. That look is a look of adoration, and I tell you that I feel the intensity from this side of the screen!

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I know that usually I tend to see more into something than what others see, but I just cannot help it when it comes to Jason and Sam. I heard Sam say to Jason at the hospital that he “got to take her home”. Home. If we were to take that sentence literally, Jason would have taken Sam to her own apartment to recover. But, really isn’t home where the heart is? (Right, Jenn and Ro?) And as my pal Becky believes, Sam is Jason’s Heart, and Jason is hers, and so in the very next scene, we see Jason walk Sam into his penthouse. *sigh*

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What a great moment, huh?

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You know the other great realization was finding that the penthouse has finally been stripped of all that horrible pink, along with Brenda’s crap. Hallelujah! I never realized just how much I loved the neutrality of Jason’s place until it was no longer neutral. Suddenly, the penthouse felt like home even to me! What about you?

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Most inspiring about the few stolen moments of alone time we got from Jason and Sam were the ones on the couch. I have to smile as I think about how many times Jason and Sam’s History would have to begin or end a chapter, or even a sentence with those very words…”on the couch…” 

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Yes, Jason and Sam have made some great memories on his couch. Some pivotal points in time happened as they sat there together. Some crucial conversations took place there. Some decisive moments happened while on that couch. There have been big “I love yous”, and bigger promises to stand by each other. There have been many a case figured out there, and many a misunderstanding ironed out there as well. When we look back at their history, whether in our minds or in a spectacular vid made by a friend, so many momentous occasions took place right there.

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Sure, a lot of that has to do with the issue of logistics in the world of soap sets, but more has to do with the fact that Jason and Sam find their most normal moments in each other’s arms when no one else is around. And as we discussed yesterday, Jason and Sam’s most important moments didn’t take place in the bedroom. Unlike other couples, their history doesn’t hinge upon one night or one act. Their love story hinges upon what came from their hearts, over and over again, and throughout the years. Therefore, it seemed perfectly fitting that the first place they’d end up after a near death experience like the one Sam just escaped, would be on that couch, where everything seems most familiar.

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How beautiful was that moment when Sam tried to remind Jason that all she needs to feel better is him? How sweet was it when she reminded him of where his hands need to be, and where his eyes need to be, and where his lips need to be in order for her to feel not just better – but alive?

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That was just a SPLENDID moment in JaSam Time!

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Had you been able to see me, I would have been caught red-handed wiping away a tear.

*quivering lip*

Jason and Sam are LOVE. Pure and simple, huge and all-consuming, loud or completely silent…it’s LOVE!

And I can’t wait to watch it grow… 



March 9

2004: Michael was too damned much! *smh* Jason is so lucky Sam didn’t listen!

2006: Jason is most amazing when he is standing by his woman!


2010: Love Sam and their airplane scenes!

March 10

2005: Where would Jason be without his Sam? This experience may be one Jason may have to draw upon soon.

2006: Do you all see how they take turns being there for each other? So incredible! Loved the ending scenes…almost funny! Almost!

2010: Do you all remember how happy we were about the spoiler pics for these scenes? And when they actually played out, Twitter was ON FIRE! So were Jason and Sam! LOVED THIS DAY IN THEIR HISTORY!

Make it a COMMITMENT to keep asking The Writers to keep adding to the FABULOSITY that is JaSam’s Love Story!


Making A Difference For JaSam…Every Day! 

VOTE: UPDATED LINK:  (Don’t get lazy on voting here, friends! We need to be religious about voting, and we need to vote from every available electronic device 😉)

AND also: 

Call: ABC: 818-460-7477, Press 1, then 2, then 3, then 464, GH LA: 323-671-4583 

TWEET OUR FAVORITES: Tweet Steve and Kelly and try to counteract all of the negativity dumped there daily! Let them know what real fans look like, and let them know how much we enjoy ALL OF THEIR scenes, ESPECIALLY JaSam Scenes! Steve’s Official Twitter Is: @1SteveBurton Kelly’s OFFICIAL Twitter Is: @KellyMonaco1

SOAPNET: Go on and share your favorite JaSam Storyline! Please make a commitment to this project! Especially since the “other side” is filling it up with GARBAGE!

Facebook GH FEEDBACK PAGE: FLOOD THAT PAGE WITH POSITIVE JASAM LOVE DAILY! THIS is the page that gets attention from those who matter! PLEASE, please, please remember not to make it only about wanting JaSam – that gets overlooked as “fanbase crap”. Use solid, honest, but tactful language letting them know what you think the strengths were on that particular day, and if that’s Steve and Kelly, that’s fine – but this is NOT the place to go all ga-ga because we got some make-out time. Remember to use their names (character/actor) separately, i.e. Kelly and Steve instead of Stelly, and Jason and Sam instead of JaSam. You can also calmly state what you think the weaknesses were, such as overused characters, storyline inconsistencies, or not enough use of the history of our dearest characters and vets. EVERY PHONE CALL, EMAIL, FACEBOOK POST COUNTS – SO REALLY GIVE IT YOUR ALL! 


Snail Mail: Remember to GUSH, THANK THEM, and SHOW LOVE for what we’re getting with our JaSam! PLEASE: Leave out frustrations, bashing, anger, and other couples!

Bob, Guza, Head Writer
Jill Farren-Phelps, Exec. Producer 
Elizabeth Korte, Editor
c/o ABC-TV 
4151 Prospect Avenue  
Hollywood, CA  90027
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair 
Disney Media Networks Division
500 S. Buena Vista St. 
Burbank, CA  91521

Our couple is counting on US!


“Let’s Not Buy Trouble”…

GHers, the explosions and bombs may be behind us, but the excitement certainly is not. There is still plenty to go around, so I am with Alexis. Everyone needs to just calm down. Get it together. Let’s think things through, and PLEASE: “Let’s Not Buy Trouble”.

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Kristina is still recovering from some a series of serious traumas, most recently the loss of her friend, Ally after the bust crash, who seemed fine one moment and was gone without warning the next. For the foreseeable future, Kristina is going to be extremely sensitive to traumatic events. It’s to be expected. Seeing your sister,  whom has already lost her hearing from the blast she was involved in, suddenly;y collapse after you helped her get out of bed would count as quite a trauma! Unlike many, I don’t for one minute think that Kristina was making Sam’s collapse about her. It is just impossible for her brain to not instantly connect this trauma to all the other traumas so freshly imprinted on her young, impressionable mind. I felt really badly for Kristina as she watched Patrick try to help her sister because I knew and understood why she was carrying so much guilt. I was glad that Alexis was close enough to step in and try to set Kristina straight. Mama Bear Davis was so right when she offered Kristina that great advice: “Let’s not buy trouble.” Kristina has enough baggage to drag around without adding the fear of losing her sister to it.

It’s always a great day in Port Charles when I can catch a glimpse of John Zacchara! he brightens up my screen with his presence. Ex-girlfriend Lulu happens upon his recovery regiment at the bar, and the two spend some time catching up.  The great thing about this scene is that GH is really doing its homework. They understand that not everyone gets all of the connections within Port Charles, and without that background, scenes with seemingly random people don’t make sense. Joh and Lulu really addressed so much of their relationship and break-up, that I felt even I was reminded of details I had filed away long ago. They were nice scenes, and it was a great thing to hear Lulu ell Johnny that she does still care about him. Johnny was reckless and lived on the edge the whole time he was with Lulu. She knows that since losing his sister, John really has no one else, and she doesn’t want to see his recklessness become carelessness. Johnny already has his family name, and all that comes attached to that, to deal with. Lulu is just reminding him not to buy anymore trouble.

I know that I will not surprise my longterm readers by saying this, but for the newer crowd, there is a story to this. (Feel free to go back in our blog’ posts to get the whole back story of my fascination with all things mobular….it’s too long to retell!) You see, I love the Port Charles Mob. I love that whole “Mess With My Family, And You Will Disappear” mindset – even if its only in the fictional setting of PC. I still get a little excited when I hear Sonny making threats and talking about the equivalent of “whacking” people! For Dante, not so much. When he walks in on Sonny doing business his way, Dante learns two things right off the bat: 1) Sonny means business when it comes to protecting those he loves, and 2) Sonny will roll right over your behind if you try to get in his way. I imagine one of those Sonny quick facts was a little harder for Dante to deal with the other, especially since up to this moment, Sonny had really been trying to build a bridge between him and his firstborn. I don’t think Dante expected Sonny to basically rip him a new one, or to be so brutal about it. When Sonny asked Dante, “Why is it that you only choose to go by the book when somebody innocent like Michael or Brenda are gonna pay for it,” I kinda winced. Of course, I did recover quickly and did smile, but I was a little surprised only because Sonny has really been pussyfooting around Dante since finding out he was his son. That was a very valid question – at least the Michael part, as perhaps Sonny forgot that Dante didn’t play by the book with Brenda. Sadly, Sonny withdrew the question with an apology before Dante could answer. Instead, he offered an all-expenses-paid vacation with Lulu. Ummm…What the Heck? Sonny realized that Dante is not going to turn a blind eye to Sonny’s illegal search and rescue plan, so he wants him out of town. Not only did Sonny suggest it, but he actually calls Lulu and tries to get her to agree to this idea. Basically, Sonny knows he and Dante have their issues as father and son, so why buy trouble?

If there is one of Sonny’s offspring who has really had more than his share of trouble, it’s adopted son Michael. He has really dealt with it all, from a very young age. Carly and Sonny had to learn to parent using the less than popular Trial By Fire method, and so many times, Michael got burned. Even now, Michael deals with way more than any kid his age should, and most of the time, his parents are too busy caught up in the messes of their own lives to even notice. It was just weeks ago that Michael revealed to his family that he was raped, and his parents barely shed a few tears before they were moving full steam ahead with both a wedding and a divorce. Thank goodness that Michael has always been able to count on Jason and Sam, and that now he has Abby. She has already helped him get though so much, and she has earned his trust. Which is why I was hoping that Abby’s advice about staying out of The Family Business would carry more weight than any of the other people who begged Michael to do the same. However, it seems that Abby’s going to have to try a little more persuasion, as the minute Michael heard about some trouble, he took it upon his inexperienced, unarmed self to chase it down – right into a dangerous trap. Hey, Michael? Don’t you have enough to talk to your therapist about? Why buy yourself more trouble – and on credit, no less?

This leads me to a pressing question. When Alexis said to Kristina that they shouldn’t buy trouble, I’m, wondering if she should rather buy a monitoring system for Molly. My son is Molly’s age, and he’s not allowed to walk all over town at all hours by himself. Didn’t Molly just tell Alexis that she walked in on someone trying to kill her buddy, Shawn? Isn’t Alexis concerned about the possibility that the guy who just attempted a murder, but stopped because Molly walked in, may be concerned about Molly identifying him? I wouldn’t allow Molly out of my sight, much less out of the same building I am in! I tell you that I was fighting anxiety the minute I saw her by Kelly’s all alone. Alexis? She’s already in therapy. Why buy more ANY MORE trouble?

Jason is dealing with all the trouble he can handle right now. The one thing he has put his own life on hold for – which was keeping Brenda safe – ended up being for nothing, as Sonny and Brenda failed to heed any of the warnings Jason had issued. While professionally that may be something Jason  would have loved to avoid, the personal cost was more than he would ever have risked willingly. It really is something to watch Jason make decisions based not on what would be smarter, but instead based on what he can live with when he calculates the cost. Shawn may be their only connection to Theo. Jason knows that. However, when it came down to allowing Shawn to operate on the honor system in going to Manhattan alone to get whatever paperwork he has on the Balkan, the only other alternative wasn’t really a choice for Jason at all.  That other choice would mean that Jason would leave Sam’s side to take care of Shawn himself, which until very recently, is exactly what Jason would have done. Not anymore. Jason said to Lucky the other day, “I know Sam can take care of herself, but when I saw her on that gurney…” and he couldn’t finish the sentence.

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When Jason was sitting there with Shawn weighing the risks involved in watching Shawn walk away alone, the only other thing he could see was Sam, lying on that hospital bed, not able to hear, and vulnerable again. There was no way he was choosing to follow Shawn, all ties to The Balkan be damned. Sam ended up in that limo and that vulnerable because of a choice Jason made. I think every choice Jason makes from here on out will require a lot more from Jason. And who can blame him? He’s not buying any more trouble for himself or for Sam. Not if he can help it.

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It’s no wonder that when he walked back into her hotel room and saw her bed empty, he immediately wanted to know if something had happened. He didn’t want to leave Sam’s side this time, and yet he did, and again Sam may have needed him when he wasn’t there. Poor Jason. How much regret can he carry on those strong shoulders?

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When Kristina started going on about Ally to Jason, and suggested that it could be something way more serious, you could see Jason’s breathing change. He was still scared to death over the possibility of losing Sam, but then he remembered that Sam is a fighter, and every time she fights, she fights to be with him. And that reminder gave Jason courage – for him and for Kristina. I loved how Jason willed Kristina to be strong for Sam, and I loved that Kristina told Jason that Sam seems invincible, so it’s hard to deal with seeing her hurt or sick. Jason knew exactly what Kristina was talking about because sometimes Sam convinces even Jason that she’s tougher than she is. It was a great moment between two people connected by the love they share for the same person. It was a lovely family moment, and those are a rare find.

Click to view full size imageWatching Jason worry and pace as they waited for Sam reminds us all that Sam really is the most important thing in his life. Kristina said it perfectly when she said, “You’d be lost without Sam.”

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When they brought Sam back into the room, the smile on Jason’s face was dazzling. I found myself smiling and wiping tears at the same time! Though he didn’t say anything while Kristina and Alexis fussed over her, I could see that Jason was overwhelmed with love and relief. When he helped her back into bed, he sat right down at her side. All he needed was to be close, to be there for her. *sigh*

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Is there a Love Story out there more perfect than that?

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You know, I also absolutely loved the very real moments between Kristina, Alexis, and Sam. They felt authentic and pure, and it made me happy that Sam has so much love. I laughed at Kristina asking what time they woke Sam in the morning, Jason answering, Sam echoing, and Alexis saying, “She’ll never make it!” That was amazingly believable! It was also nice that Jason still walked them to the door, and reassured Kristina again, not just with his words, but with the assurance that he’s going to be right there – by Sam’s side, as long as she needs him. As a sister, I know nothing could mean more.

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You know, with all of the sweetness happening in that hospital room up until that point, my JaSam loving heart was just filled to the brim with love and emotion. I was truly already beyond happy.

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Then Jason sat down next to his Fair Samantha, and he looked at her with that look that makes us all melt, and said, “I just love you so much” and my heart was in danger of spilling over. Then he touched her hair, and said, “I just wish you could hear me tell you.” He gave me goosebumps.

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Then Sam seemed to be taken aback for a moment, and said, “Jason, I just did.”

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I screamed.

Then he smiled that smile at her again…

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And my heart bubbled over.



March 4




Make it a COMMITMENT to keep asking The Writers to keep adding to the FABULOSITY that is JaSam’s Love Story!


Making A Difference For JaSam…Every Day! 

VOTE: UPDATED LINK:  (Don’t get lazy on voting here, friends! We need to be religious about voting, and we need to vote from every available electronic device 😉)

AND also: 

Call: ABC: 818-460-7477, Press 1, then 2, then 3, then 464, GH LA: 323-671-4583 

TWEET OUR FAVORITES: Tweet Steve and Kelly and try to counteract all of the negativity dumped there daily! Let them know what real fans look like, and let them know how much we enjoy ALL OF THEIR scenes, ESPECIALLY JaSam Scenes! Steve’s Official Twitter Is: @1SteveBurton Kelly’s OFFICIAL Twitter Is: @KellyMonaco1

SOAPNET: Go on and share your favorite JaSam Storyline! Please make a commitment to this project! Especially since the “other side” is filling it up with GARBAGE!

Facebook GH FEEDBACK PAGE: FLOOD THAT PAGE WITH POSITIVE JASAM LOVE DAILY! THIS is the page that gets attention from those who matter! PLEASE, please, please remember not to make it only about wanting JaSam – that gets overlooked as “fanbase crap”. Use solid, honest, but tactful language letting them know what you think the strengths were on that particular day, and if that’s Steve and Kelly, that’s fine – but this is NOT the place to go all ga-ga because we got some make-out time. Remember to use their names (character/actor) separately, i.e. Kelly and Steve instead of Stelly, and Jason and Sam instead of JaSam. You can also calmly state what you think the weaknesses were, such as overused characters, storyline inconsistencies, or not enough use of the history of our dearest characters and vets. EVERY PHONE CALL, EMAIL, FACEBOOK POST COUNTS – SO REALLY GIVE IT YOUR ALL! 


Snail Mail: Remember to GUSH, THANK THEM, and SHOW LOVE for what we’re getting with our JaSam! PLEASE: Leave out frustrations, bashing, anger, and other couples!

Bob, Guza, Head Writer
Jill Farren-Phelps, Exec. Producer 
Elizabeth Korte, Editor
c/o ABC-TV 
4151 Prospect Avenue  
Hollywood, CA  90027
Anne Sweeney, Co-Chair 
Disney Media Networks Division
500 S. Buena Vista St. 
Burbank, CA  91521

Our couple is counting on US!
