Focusing On The Things That Keep Us Watching

An UPLIFTING Sunday Drive Down Memory Lane

Good morning, JaSammers!

It always lifts my spirits to see vidders making new JaSam vids, even if they are using “Dylan” instead of “Jason”, simply because it proves what I’ve always known about us JaSammers: we are die hards, and we don’t just give up!

Thus was the case on my search for vids this week. My spirits were definitely lifted. 🙂

I hope you’ll all take the time to comments on the vids and let the vidders know you appreciate what they do. Without them, this journey would be a lot darker and a lot harder. ❤

“Somewhere Out There” Credit: aproditebeauty

“Gone, Gone, Gone” Credit: CalPal052699

“Stars” Credit: cocoagirlie4

“See You Again” Credit:  aproditebeauty

“Marry You” Credit: CalPal052699

“Another Life” Credit: reallysophie

“I Look To You” Credit: aproditebeauty

Gosh, I miss them!

But it really is nice to see them….even if it’s only like this! Thanks again to each and every faithful vidder!

Have a great Sunday!


6 responses

  1. Great videos. Isn’t it something a year since he left GH, fans still hope for his return and wish Sam and Jason were still together on our screen!!! I see Steve on Y&R and he is treating his pregnant girl the way jason should have treated Sam when she was carrying their child. It makes me mad because I miss JaSam so much!!Instead we get the Llanview 3 almost daily and Sam sporadically and then mostly with Silas!!

    August 4, 2013 at 9:01 am

  2. Rosejasam4ever

    Jasammers we are die hard fans. Thanks to the vidders l can enjoy Sam without Silas. One beautiful day am still hoping we will get our jasam family together. Beautiful Sunday drive thanks Bella.

    August 4, 2013 at 10:14 am

  3. alwaysaromantic

    I agree hands down……..We are die-hard Jasammers nothing will ever change that! They were just that incredible together! As always Thanks to all those who take the time to keep them remembered!

    August 4, 2013 at 6:45 pm

  4. SamJasonsHeart

    I miss them so much!!!

    August 4, 2013 at 10:05 pm

  5. Thanks to you and to every single vidder who takes the time to make these memories of our couple. We will never forget them, and the fact that they care enough to still create these beautiful vids means so much to us. Thanks to you too, dear Angelique for caring and helping us keep the faith. They are SO missed.

    August 7, 2013 at 9:40 am

  6. bren

    I just finished watching these videos and all I can say is “WOW!” I loved how the videos of Steve/Jason from Y & R are merged with Sam on GH. Watching makes me miss them so much. I too still have hope that they will be reunited. I keep telling myself that the ratings are going to fall again and then someone will make changes for the better. Maybe I’m delusional, but it makes me feel better.

    Thank you Angelique for taking the time to put together our Sunday Drives. I’m always so happy when I see it pop up in my email.

    Have a blessed week,

    August 8, 2013 at 6:56 pm

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