Focusing On The Things That Keep Us Watching

Posts tagged “Konnie

“Why Don’t You Go Bother Someone Else?”

Happy Hump Day, GHers! 

Thanks for all the checking up…my grandma had surgery on Tuesday morning, but I am happy to report that she is doing okay. (Thank the good Lord!)

I thought that after not sleeping for the past couple of days, I would sleep through until tomorrow afternoon, but no such luck, so I got back out of bed, grabbed the laptop, and here I am, plunking away.

It’s a good thing that insomnia struck tonight, because there is so much to talk about!  (NOTE: Not even insomnia could win over my exhaustion – my hubby was pulling the laptop off my lap at 4:15 a.m. because I fell asleep typing, So here I am again, trying this bright and sunny Wednesday morning to finish this post ;))

What about Johnny and Connie, huh? Wow. In walks Sonny as Johnny is doing his girlfriend, and Johnny’s reaction was like, “Why don’t you go bother someone else?” He didn’t even blink. That’s hatred, folks. For a minute, I thought Kate would decide to come back and make Johnny look like he was in this all alone, but I guess Connie was a lot more determined than Kate was, because she hung in there – and made it count! What a blow to Sonny’s ego, heart, LIFE! Johnny was gloating like a champ, and Connie did a banging job (no pun intended) of convincing Sonny that Kate knew exactly what she was doing, and “was right where she wanted to be.” I know that Johnny compared the night to the one where Sonny used a party at the Metro Court to blow Johnny’s life apart, but I saw a deeper correlation. In fact, one of my very first posts ever on Bella Mafia was about Claudia’s party, and how Sonny had turned her birthday party into quite the spectacle. It seems Karma is even meaner than Konnie. One birthday party catastrophe deserves another, I guess, and Sonny was right back to calling the woman in his life “a faithless whore.” *sigh* It’s so weird that new writers don’t always mean new derogatory terms for women in Port Charles.

Someone somewhere called Carly the devil in a blue dress, and I could not agree more. What a miserable bitch she can be sometimes! I want to throw her off the Metro Court roof whenever she rides Sam the way she did, but more than that, I want Jason to catch her and throw her out of his life! The writer that finally has Jason see Carly for the selfish, manipulative pain in the ass she is, and has that relationship change will have my eternal gratitude! No one has lied more, or kept more secrets from Jason, than Carly. When will her free pass expire? I was so glad when Sam finally dismissed her by asking,“Why don’t you go bother someone else?” But I was  when Carly made the choice to go bother Johnny…and Connie. I isn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for Carly when she walked in and found her brand new lover in bed with Connie, because Carly didn’t show a gram of empathy for Sam when she walked in and told Jason about Robin in an attempt to tear Jason and Sam apart. I hope Carly cries double the tears Sam cried, and I hope she realizes that in life, it always, all, comes back to you.  She deserves nothing less.

Poor Max.“Why don’t you go bother someone else?” could’ve been his greeting at the door all day. Every newbie in town decided to exasperate and annoy Max , but I’ve gotta say that no one has overstayed their welcome in town already more than John McBain. The guy is everywhere, and he’s in everything, and it’s only a matter of time before Jason finds he is involved too much concerning his wife. Uh oh.

Alexis may be facilitating that realization for Jason, but she certainly isn’t doing her daughter any favors! When Alexis asked Jason if they could talk, I heard myself groan aloud, and shout, “Alexis, why don’t you go bother someone else?” I absolutely knew that conversation was not going to be  very productive, unless Alexis’ intention was to “produce” more tension between her daughter and son-in-law., and then in that case, fait accompli! I get that Alexis is Sam’s mother and that she’s trying to figure out how to help Sam get through this stage of marriage, but she should leave this to the experts…like Molly. 😉

I have to admit that when I watch the scenes between Jason and Sam, the first thought that comes to mind is, “Ron Carlivati, Why Don’t You Go Bother Someone Else?” I mean, how many things will he force these two to say and do that is completely out of the realm of possibility for who Jason and Sam are? And being the attorney that he is, I am sure Mr. Carlivati will understand that as far as I am concerned, his only possible defense (that he didn’t really know who Jason and Sam are), just flew out the window. Why? The clip he chose for the flashback (Finally, they heard us on using Jason and Sam’s beautiful history!) wasn’t just some random clip! When Jason was talking about the peace he feels with Sam, and when Sam said she wouldn’t trade any part of her life with Jason, THAT right there is what their relationship is all about! And what they are doing, and how they are acting right now is so contrary, and let’s face it – ass-backward, to what their relationship is all about! Jason certainly is not basking in the “peace” his wife brings him, and Sam isn’t behaving as though she wouldn’t trade her life with Jason, in fact, she keeps trading it for conversation with John McBain! It’s SO STUPID and WRONG! *slams fist!* 

That being said, I still think that the conversation Sam had with her baby on the terrace, and the clip I just mentioned, were absolutely, hands down THE BEAUTY OF GH! If every episode were filled with moments of love and history…and even some romance, I just know that the ratings would reflect the viewers’ appreciation and approval!

I am hoping against hope that the writers will take a moment and realize that the constant knocking down or taking apart of every ingle couple on the show only leads to viewer depression! 😦 That can never be good for increased ratings, or even for keeping the viewers they have! Not only are all of the couples seemingly falling part, Jason and Sam, their strongest, most popular couple, seem lost to us! They don’t seem to know what they are doing or where they are going. And if they don’t know that, how can viewers be expected to want to take the journey with them?

I wished that the scene of Sam talking to her baby and reminiscing about hers and Jason’s love story hadn’t ended with John being the sigh that everything would be okay! I think the entire neighborhood heard me shout, “OMG! McBain, Why Don’t You Go Bother Someone Else!”

Now if I could only get the writers to hear me…

Let’s see what today brings, beloved.

Be sure to call, email, tweet, fb, and write just how thrilled you were with the gorgeous JaSam Flashbacks! More, please!

Love you all,



Call: GH Comment Lines: 818-460-7477, Press 1, then 2, then 3, then 464, GH LA: 323-671-4583



Snail Mail: Ron Carlivati, Headwriter / Frank Valentini, Executive Producer/Kelly Monaco/Steve Burton…(or any other actor)
c/o ABC-TV General Hospital, 4151 Prospect Avenue, Hollywood, CA 90027



Our Beloved soap has gotten a much prayed-for reprieve from the chopping block!

That not only means that they will be on the air for their 50th anniversary, it also means that our favorite people get to hold on to their jobs, and support their families. It’s a fantastic day for General Hospital and those who love it…isn’t that US???

I know that things on the show at the moment have us feeling frustrated and disappointed, and even in need of anti-depressants, but I still must insist that The Beauty of GH is – at the moment – that there is still a GH to watch! As for the rest, we still have a fight ahead of us, but better a fight than a funeral.


My thoughts as I watched Wednesday’s show were a bit different, because I watched BEFORE I knew the good news that GH stayed and The Revolution didn’t. So I watched believing that the writers and producers were all still in SAVE THE SHOW mode, and tried really, really hard to understand what the hell it is that they were thinking.

So, Let’s Focus On The Good News!

The Bad News for Spinelli is that he isn’t quite the sleuth he thinks himself. What a mess he’s in trying to fight the good fight of faith for his Maximista, but it’s just not looking good. I assume that the writers are writing this (again – crazy) storyline to prove that while Maxie currently has two men fighting for her, only one can be her true soulmate. The Good News? I think Spin has always proven that he is the one who has truly always seen the best in Maxie first, and hopefully that will show Maxie who does, and doesn’t, deserve her heart.

The Bad News for Ewen is that he has one bat-$#!+ crazy patient in Konnie. One minute she’s begging for his help, and the next minute she’s barking orders at him as if he had taken over for Maxie at Crimson. I wish he was a little more diligent about his paperwork, as perhaps Konnie could already be on her way to Shady Brook if he had ever finished her commitment papers. (Men are so bad at multi-tasking). The Good News? Just hinting to Liz that she may be interested in “how the sex with Ewan was” made Liz think that perhaps Kate Howard might be as turned on by Dr. Keenan as she is, and THAT will work to Ewan’s advantage! Just the thought that he may not be as available as she originally suspected will make her all hot and bothered for him. Maybe that will keep her from slinking through the halls, spying on people, and then running her big, fat mouth. (Bitch.)

The Bad News for Michael is that he is lying to everyone he loves for the one chick who wants to see his daddy go down for good. Once again, it goes against everything Michael knows about loyalty and family, and that is just not cool. I don’t think Sonny, Carly, or Jason are going to take it very well when they find out that Starr has been shacked up at his (Abby’s) place, while she waits for the big day of reckoning for Sonny; especially considering that they have all warned Michael about the importance of staying away from Starr. The Good News? Maybe Starr being there will prompt Michael to finally pack up more of Abby’s stuff, because it really creeps me out to see the letters of her name still spelled out on the mantle.

Speaking of Sonny, The Bad News for him just keeps piling up. He has finally met a cop with more balls, and even more hair, that his cop son, Dante. McBain was about to breathe fire down his nose at Sonny, and he was not afraid to get in his face. I think the viewers who have always complained that the PCPD is no better than (somewhat) better-looking, and more outspoken Keystone Kops, are about to get their wish. McBain seems to be no joke, and his need to one-up Sonny right down to the last poorly veiled threat may be the one thing that throws Sonny and Jason off their game. The Good News? Anything that threatens Sonny enough to get Max and Milo onscreen is a good thing in and of itself.

The Bad News for Kate Howard is that she is about to blow her own world apart because she, like so many others around the world, are scared to death of the stigma that comes with mental illness. So much that she is afraid to tell the man who supposedly loves her, and has survived the end of his marriage to Brenda because of the support Kate has given him, about her D.I.D. How sad. I do worry about the message that GH is sending about mental illness and the importance of getting the right kind of mental health treatment in order to avoid dangerous situations, but I will hope that they do better this time around than they did with Jess/Tess/Bess. Unfortunately, the fact that like Tess, Kate’s alter, Connie is also driven by her need for sex, kinda depletes my bubble of hope. The Good News? That if Connie must sleep around, I am glad that it will be Johnny – as I am more than ready for him to “wipe that smug look off Sonny’s face.” 

The Bad News for Jason is that in spite of the fact that he says he doesn’t want to miss a thing with his and Sam’s baby, he is missing the very thing that is just about smacking him upside the head. Something is terribly wrong with his wife. She is desperately trying to run around fixing everything that could blow their world apart, and he is still too interested in Sonny’s life first to put the pieces together. Sure, Jason notices that something is “off”, but only because he’s not paying as close attention as he should. The minute Spin came in blabbing about Jason’s “Person of Interest”, Jason allowed his attention to be split, and that allowed Sam her chance to run off and try to handle this mess on her own. How can a guy who is usually so perceptive be so damned stupid? As frustrating as this entire storyline is, I think I may see a possibility for this series of unfortunate events, twisted as it may be. It feels eerily familiar to have Sam trying to keep Jason from hearing devastating news about his dreams of fatherhood, just as he is gushing to her about the possibilities.

Oh wait… *rolls eyes*

We know why it feels so familiar. Because now the shoe is on the other foot. Now it is Jason seemingly clueless while Sam is the one not having the heart to talk to Jason about the scary possibility that their baby dreams may not come true…so she turns to someone else, as Jason once did. *sigh* 

Because the past writers did a god-awful job of having Jason and Sam deal with all of that garbage from the Dark Ages of GH (2007), and did an even worse job of having them talk about it when they got back together in 2009,so that they were dealing with a truly clean slate, I can only assume that Mr. Carlivati saw an opportunity to actually throw something at Jason that actually resembles consequences.

I have never been a big believer in payback, but I am a strong believer in karma. No matter how long it takes, eventually, whatever you have put out there, comes back to you. Jason lied like a big, stink in’, bear rug all because a professional liar asked him to. Not once, or twice, but repeatedly, and for months!

The nagging issue that I have with this is that Sam did not cheat on Jason. She was raped – arguably because of Jason. I think it is unfair that Sam is being perceived as keeping a secret, and taking so much heat for it.

However, I guess the case could be made by the writers that the one thing Jason never did was acknowledge just how much pain he caused Sam with his lies. Sam apologized to everyone and anyone who would listen, and she apologized more than once. We never got the satisfaction of seeing Jason grovel. Perhaps, this is the writers’ attempt to bring Jason to his knees, when it finally becomes crystal clear just how much it hurts when the person you love more than anything, and are dreaming of a life with, is turning to someone else for support, or a listening ear, or a shared secret, every time you turn around. That’s exactly what Jason did once.

The Good News? (Dare I hope?) Maybe, just maybe, Jason will finally be forced to understand just how much it hurts to be on the other side of that, and more importantly, Jason will finally and fully appreciate what it cost Sam not only to forgive Jason, but to trust him enough to hand her heart over to his keeping once again. If the enormity of that doesn’t make Jason see just how boundless and immeasurable Sam’s love really is, then Ron Carlivati wouldn’t be the writer I believe he could be.

It’s that simple.

Spoilers? Don’t care.

Rumors? Don’t know.

Bullshit? Refuse to waste a second of my precious time on it.

Reality? The Love Story of Jason and Samantha Morgan is Incomparable, especially in this soap era. (Their honeymoon vid from just under 7 months ago is nearing 2 million views!) 

Frank Valentini and Ron Carlivati get paid big bucks to figure out what works, and what doesn’t. (The last time I remember seeing 2.0’s in the ratings involved The Morgans.) In finding out that GH still has some life left, they have just taken their first real deep breath in months and months. If you think they are going to risk their rather ambiguous livelihoods NOW, (especially with all of us telling them in no uncertain terms that is not a risk worth taking) you’d better call Dr. Keenan, STAT! 

You have officially lost your mind!


Don’t worry – we’ll help you find it!

Love you all, and am so proud of the kick-ass fight you guys put up for our GH!

Now let’s put all of that energy into fighting for the hottest reason we tune in!
